Page 64 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 64
Listening comprehension
Focus: Discriminating between sound-alike words in dialogs and answer choices.
Directions: Listen to the dialogs. Decide which of the two choices, (A) or B), best
answers the question, and mark the appropriate blank. The first one is done as an
1 (A) __ Get in a different lane. 9 (A) __ How much the ticket cost.
(B) __ Stand in another line. (B) __ What Ellen might win.
2 (A) __ Go down the slide. 10 (A) __ It's been chipped.
(B) __ Play on the sled. (B) __ There's a ship inside it.
3 (A) __ Put them in a file. 11 (A) __ He tripped in the aisle.
(B) __ Throw them in a pile. (B) __ He slipped in some oil.
4 (A) __ He can't shut his suitcase. 12 (A) __ For its fast horses.
(B) __ His suitcase doesn't fit in (B) __ For its natural resources.
the closet.
5 (A) __She made bread from whole 13 (A) __ Thinking about the
wheat. decision.
(B)__She baked some white (B) __ Arguing about the issue.
6 (A) __ It's being audio. 14 (A) __ The color is too bright.
(B) __ Brenda is typing it. (B)__ It doesn't fit around the
7 (A) __ Emily bought new clothes. 15 (A) __ Wrote his name on the
(B) __ Emily recently moved. paper.
(B) __ Told his students to write a
8 (A)__ Its taste has improved.
(B)__ It tastes slightly bitter.