Page 65 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 65
Listening comprehension
Focus: Identifying sound-alike expressions in answer choices and choosing
correct answers.
Directions: Listen to the dialogs. Each dialog contains a word or phrase that
sounds like a word or phrase in two of the answer choices. Underline these words.
Underline only those words with similar sounds, not words that are exactly the
same. Then mark the answer choice that has the same meaning as the spoken
sentence. (The correct answer will not contain any sound-alike words.) The first
one is done as an example.
1 (A) ___ She went to the center 7 (A) __ He didn't hear
with her friend. what the woman said.
(B) ___ She wrote her friend a (B) __ He can lend the
letter. man a pen.
(C) ___ She told her friend to call (C) __ He had a pain
her later. behind his ear.
2 (A) ___ He has an appointment 8 (A) __ The food in this
with the president. town isn't very good.
(B) ___ He was just appointed (B) __ She needed boots
vice-president. when she left home.
(C) ___ He's unhappy because (C) __ The flooding in her
he lost the election. neighborhood was severe.
3 (A) ___ It is a study of 9 (A) __ She's been weakened
the life of plants. by the sickness.
(B) ___ It concerns the breeding (B) __ She was awakened
of cattle. by the coughing.
(C) ___ It deals with (C) __ She missed class
life on Earth. because of her cough
4 (A) ___ They can't leave 10 (A) __ Evaluate the text
until the rain is over. (B) __ Correct the exams.
(B) ___ Their drain has (C) __ Collect the tests.
stopped up.
(C) ___ He shouldn't board the
train until it completely
5 (A) ___ He offered his help 11 (A) __ His apartment is
to Darlene. more comfortable now
(B) ___ He made an offer (B) __ He recently bought
to Darlene's sister. a new van.
(C) ___ When Darlene was gone, (C) __ He's been feeling
he missed her. fine lately.
6 (A) __ Get a copy made. 12 (A) __ Her name is not
(B) __ Buy some cough drops. on the list.
(C) __ Eat in the coffee shop. (B) __ The lease is
difficult to read.
(C) __ The lawyer told her
to call the police.