Page 85 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 85
Listening comprehension
TOEFL EXERCISE 15: In this exercise, listen carefully and you should be
particularly careful of untrue conditions.
1 ((A) The woman did not need to 6 (A) They knew they had to prepare
call him. for the exam.
(B) The woman called to let him (B) They didn't prepare for the
know about the meeting. exam.
(C) He's not glad that the woman (C) As soon as they knew about
called. the exam, they began to prepare
(D) He already knew about the for it.
meeting when the woman called. (D) They knew that the
preparation for the exam would
take a lot of time.
2 (A) The man often drives too 7 (A) It costs too much for him to
quickly. go.
(B) The police do not stop the man (B) He agrees to go with them.
too much. (C) He is unworried about the cost
(C) The man drove rather slowly. of the restaurant.
(D) The police should not stop the (D) The restaurant is rather
man so often. inexpensive.
3 (A) She's so happy they don't have 8 (A) When Joe saw the car coming,
to work on Friday. he tried to get out of the way.
(B) It would be nice if they could (B) Joe was able to get out of the
finish their work on Friday. way because he saw the car
(C) She wonders if the man would coming.
be nice enough to come in to work (C) Joe jumped out of the way of
in her place on Friday. the oncoming car.
(D) It's too bad they must work on (D) Because Joe didn't see the car
Friday. coming, he couldn't get out of the
4 (A) She did not put enough postage 9 (A) The woman didn't come.
on the letter. (B) The woman wanted to be
(B) The letter arrived last week. there.
(C) The letter did not need more (C) The woman was going to leave
postage. immediately.
(D) She did not put any postage on (D) The woman was not really
the letter. there.
5 (A) He has a dog. 10 (A) Kathy didn't work as hard as
(B) He doesn't pay attention to possible because she didn't know
dogs. what the reward was.
(C) He wishes he had a dog. (B) Kathy couldn't have put more
(D) Dogs do not need much effort into the project to win the
attention. prize.
(C) Kathy won first prize because
of her hard work on the art
(D) Kathy worked so hard that she
knew first prize was hers.