Page 86 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 86

Listening comprehension


                   Skill 16: LISTEN FOR TWO-AND THREE-PART VERBS

                   TOEFL EXERCISE 16: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and
                   question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You
                   should be particularly careful of two- and three-part verbs.

                   1  (A) Phone their neighbors              6    (A)  She  gets  along  with  lots  of
                       (B) Call to their neighbors over the       people.
                       fence                                      (B)  She  gets  back  at  people  who
                       (C) Help the neighbors move in             cross her.
                       (D) Visit their neighbors                  (C)She  gets  rid  of  people  she
                                                                  doesn't want to spend time with.
                                                                  (D)  She  tries  to  get  ahead  of
                                                                  everyone else.

                   2  (A)  The  course  is  becoming  more  7     (A)  He  must  try  to  find  the
                       interesting.                               children.
                       (B)  The  course  used  to  be  more       (B) It is necessary for him to clean
                       interesting.                               up after the children.
                       (C)  The  course  is  about  the  same     (C)  The  children  need  to  be
                       as it was.                                 watched.
                       (D)  He's  not  as  bored  in  the  class   (D)  He's  going  to  see  what  the
                       as the woman.                              children have done.

                   3  (A) Her headache is getting worse.     8    (A) They are going on strike.
                       (B)  She  felt  better  this  morning      (B)  They  are  lying  down  on  the
                       than now.                                  job.
                       (C) She seems to be feeling better         (C)  They  are  being  released  from
                       now.                                       their jobs.
                       (D)  She  is  just  getting  another       (D) They are relaxing too much at
                       headache now.                              the factory.

                   4  (A)  The  man  should  stop  breaking  9    (A)He  is  betting  that  the  football
                       his cigarettes in half.                    team will win.
                       (B)  The  man  should  decrease  the       (B)He really wants to succeed.
                       number of cigarettes he smokes.            (C)It  is  not  so  difficult  to  play  on
                       (C)  The  man  should  cut  the  ends      the football team.
                       off his cigarettes.                        (D)He  pulled  a  muscle  while
                       (D)  The  man  should  stop  smoking       playing football.

                   5  (A) The client presented his case to  10  (A)She's unsure why she tolerates
                       the lawyer.                                the man.
                       (B) The client was upset about the         (B)She  doesn't  know  where  she
                       lawyer's rejection.                        put her keys.
                       (C) The client was annoyed because         (C)She is actually the one who put
                       the lawyer returned the suitcase.          the keys in the car.
                       (D)  The  client  made  the  lawyer        (D)She  can't  understand  why  the
                       unhappy about the case.                    man did what he did.

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