P. 26

4.  Tokyo’s railway station is really _________ in the morning because many people are in rush to
                             go their offices.
                          5.  Machu Picchu is an _________ ruin which was built in the 15  century by the Inca tribe.
                          6.  Widnes, a small city in UK, is a _________ place to live because there is no theatre and no
                          7.  Do you know that Mumbai in India is a really _________ city? You can hear drivers honk their
                             car horn anywhere.
                          8.  Jakarta is a _________ city. There are many malls, clubs, and restaurants open twenty-four
                          9.  Baoding, Hebei is one of the most _________city in China with the worst air quality in the
                          10. Tokyo is quite famous as an ___________ tourist destination with high living cost and not really
                             cheap transportation.

                      C.  Make your own sentences about country using the adjectives provided in part A

                          1.  In July, Yogyakarta is crowded because so many students are having field trip. _____
                          2.  ______________________________________________________________
                          3.  ______________________________________________________________
                          4.  ______________________________________________________________
                          5.  ______________________________________________________________
                          6.  ______________________________________________________________

                        ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE CITY AND COUNTRY     Size: Large, small, huge
                         Vatican is a small country.               Weather: hot, sunny, warm, windy, rainy,
                         The weather in Japan is hot.              cold
                         Indonesian and Japanese are friendly.     People: nice, friendly, polite, helpful, rude
                         India is crowded.                         Situation: crowded, noisy, quiet, dirty,
                                                                    clean, polluted
                                                                    Living cost: expensive, inexpensive, cheap,

                      D.  Complete the conversation with the vocabulary from the box.
                          A: Is Italy _____________?
                          B: No, it isn’t. It is _____________.
                          A: Oh wow. How is the weather?
                          B: __________________________.
                          A: Tell me about the people there, please.
                          B: Hmm, _____________________.
                          A: I really want to go there, is the situation ___________ there?
                          B: ___________________. You will love being there.

                      20 BASIC ENGLISH
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