P. 29

C.  Listen again and write the nationality of each person.
                          1.  Fumiko Ito is a ____________.
                          2.  Lee Hyuk is a ____________.
                          3.  Ilham Ramidj is a ____________.
                          4.  Anne Gutiérrez is a ____________.


                      PAIR WORK. Talk about a country with a partner. Your partner will act as a native from that country.
                      You may use the guide below, or create a new conversation based on the country that you choose.

                          Name          Country         Nationality         City              Others
                       Naphasak     Thailand         Thai              Bangkok         modern city, crowded,
                                                                                       friendly people,
                                                                                       inexpensive living cost
                       Ehsan Tao    Malaysia         Malaysian         Penang          mix of modern and
                                                                                       traditional city, helpful
                                                                                       people, hot
                       Kareena      India            Indian            Mumbai          big city, crowded,
                       Singh                                                           punctual
                       Ryora        Japan            Japanese          Kyoto           small city, traditional,
                       Nakasumi                                                        quiet, helpful and
                                                                                       friendly people
                        Zhao Ning    China            Chinese          Beijing         big city, crowded,
                                                                                       noisy, modern,
                                                                                       sometimes rude

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