P. 56

C.  Read the text in part A. Then answer the following questions based on the information in
                              the text.
                          1.  What is the TV program about?
                          2.  Who introduces the program?
                          3.  Which food in this bin is healthy? Which food is unhealthy?
                          4.  In your opinion which are these types of food is healthy and unhealthy? State your reasons.

                             rice                 chocolates               red meat               hot dogs                orange              salad

                                         Countable nouns                       Uncountable nouns
                              Things  that  we  can  count  :  1  banana,  2  Things we cannot count : Rice, salt
                              They have singular and plural forms :  Apple,  They do not have plural forms.
                              We can use numbers in front of them : 25  We cannot use numbers in front of them.
                              We use ‘many’ in questions and negatives : I  We use much in questions and negatives : I
                              don’t eat many apples.                 don’t drink much milk.
                              We use how many to ask questions : How  We use how much to ask questions :
                              many bananas do you buy every week?    How much water do you drink every day?

                              We can use ‘a lot of’ with countable and uncountable nouns : Do you eat a lot of burgers/

                              We can show the quantity (how much/how many) of countable and uncountable nouns by
                              using another noun (e.g. a bag) or measurement (e.g. kilos) + of in front of the noun. A bag
                              of bananas. A glass of water. A liter of oil.

                      A.   Cross out the words in italics that are incorrect.

                             1. How much/many/a lot of coffee do you drink every day?
                             2. I don’t eat much/many/a lot of meet these days.
                             3. How much/many/a lot of bananas do you want?

                             4. Do you drink much/many/a lot of water?
                             5. Do people in your country eat much/many/a lot of rice?
                             6. My family eats much/many/a lot of eggs every week.

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