P. 90

B. Group Work: Write other jobs that you know.

                           Flight attendant      ………………………………………………  ……………………………………………

                     ………………………………………………  ………………………………………………  ……………………………………………

                     ………………………………………………  ………………………………………………  ……………………………………………

                     ………………………………………………  ………………………………………………  ……………………………………………

                    A. Listen to the audio then fill in the blank with the correct jobs from the box.

                         dentist       shop assistant       pilot          tour guide         nurse

                    Speaker A is a ………………………….
                    Speaker B is a ………………………….

                    Speaker C is a ………………………….

                    Speaker D is a ………………………….
                    Speaker E is a ………………………….

                    B. Listen again. Match the jobs with the description.

                     1. Speaker A             a. I give them the medicine and look after them when they feel ill.

                     2. Speaker B             b. I fly planes to different places on holiday.

                     3. Speaker C             c. I work in children’s department.

                     4. Speaker D             d. I take tourists to visit university colleges.

                     5. Speaker E             e. I like to help people when they have a problem.

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