P. 86


                      Paraphrasing is using your own words to express someone else’s message or ideas. In a
                      paraphrase, the ideas and meaning of the original source must be maintained; the main

                      ideas need to come through, but the wording has to be your own.

                      The original source: I get up around 5 a.m.

                      You can paraphrase the statement into: He starts his day at about 5 every morning.

                      The first and the second sentence have the same meaning but they are written in different


                    A. Match the sentences with their paraphrase.

                       1.  My mom likes what she does every day.    a.   He spends his time at a beach once a
                                  ( ... )                                week with his parents.
                       2.  Mr. Cox doesn’t go to office on Sunday.     b.   He always celebrates his birthday.
                          ( ... )
                       3.  Brian goes to a beach with his mom and dad    c.    She enjoys her daily routine.
                          every weekend. ( ... )
                       4.  She buys some food and items for the house in  d. He has a day off on Sunday
                          the supermarket. ( ... )
                       5.  He never forgets to hold a birthday party every  e.   She does the grocery shopping.
                          year. (b)

                    B.  Listen again the conversation on Activity 12. Focus on some important information about the
                      activities and time. Use the space below to take a note if necessary.

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