P. 83

D. Here are more house chores. Choose the right words to name the picture.
                        make a bed          iron clothes       do the laundry         feed the pets

                        do grocery shopping      wash a car       trim grass      vacuum the floor

                                                                     2.  _____________

                     1. ______________     2. ______________      3. _________________    4.________________

                     5. _______________    6.  ________________   7. _________________   8. ________________

                    Picture sources: 1., 2., 3., 4.,
                                          5., 6., 7., 8.
                    E.  Read about Adam’s and Sally’s family chores

                                    Hi  my  name  is  Adam.  I                 Hi my name is Sally. My
                                    live  with  my  family  in  a              family  is  small,  my
                                    big  house.  I  have  two                  father,  my  mother,  my
                                    sisters  and  one  brother.                sister  Joanna  and  Me.
                                    We  share  many  chores                    We live in a flat in a tall
                                    with  our  parents.  My                    building.  I  help  my
                                    brother  and  I  take  the                 family with the chores. I
                                    garbage out.
                                                                               make my own bed.
                       We  also  wash  our  father’s  car  twice  a
                       week.  Every  Friday,  I  weed  the  garden   I  set  the  table  for  dinner  while  mom
                       and my brother waters the plants. I also   cooks.  Every  Saturday  my  parents  go

                       make my bed in the morning. My sister,     shopping  for  food  and  I  work  in  the
                       Emily,  sweeps  the  floor  every  evening   garden to trim the grass. My father fixes
                       and washes the dishes after dinner. She    things in the house. My  mother cooks
                       also  helps  Mom  with  shopping  every    our  meals  and  sweeps  the  floor  every
                       Thursday. My mother  cooks for  us and     night. When Mom or Dad is tired I bring
                       washes  our  clothes.  My  father  fixes   water for them.
                       anything broken at home.

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