P. 79

The questions below may help you to complete the information.

                    1. What time do they get up and go to bed?
                    2. What do they do in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening?
                    3. What do they have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

                               Tom Cox               Rita Cox             Lucy Cox             Carl Cox
                               (dad)                 (mum)                (daughter)           (son)

                     get up    9 a.m.

                     breakfast   bacon and eggs
                     morning    shopping

                     lunch     pizza
                     afternoon  golf
                     dinner    Chinese food
                     evening   TV

                     go to bed   1 a.m.
                    The activity is taken from Speaking Extra: A resource book of multi-level skills activities, p.24

                    B.  Based on the table that you have completed above, make sentences about what each person in
                      the family does on Saturday.

                       1.  Mr. Cox  gets up  at 9  am. He has bacon and  eggs for  breakfast. In  the morning,  he goes
                          shopping with his wife. For lunch, he has pizza. In the afternoon, he ..........................................
                       2.  Mrs.Cox .......................................................................................................................................
                       3.  Lucy..............................................................................................................................................
                       4.  Carl...............................................................................................................................................

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