P. 76


                       A.  Listen to the pronunciation of the underlined vowels.
                                   mother      /mʌðə/           cousin     /kʌzn/

                       B.  Which other words in the Word Power have the sound / /? Listen and check your answer.


                           Simple Present Questions
                           Do you get up late?                       What time do you get up?
                                 No, I don’t.  I get up early.            At five o’clock.
                           Does he have cereal for breakfast?         What does he have for breakfast?
                                 No. He doesn’t. He has rice for breakfast.   Rice
                           Do they go shopping on Sunday?            What do they do on Sunday afternoon?
                                 Yes, they do. They go shopping on Sundays.   They play tennis.

                       Complete the questions with do or does. Then, write four more questions of your own.
                       1.  ______  you get up early on weekdays?
                       2.  What time _____ she get home?
                       3.  ______ your mother work?
                       4.  How _____ your father go to work?
                       5.  _____ your parents read in the evening?
                       6.  When ____ your sister shop for grocery?
                       7.  Do __________________________________ ?
                       8.  Does _________________________________?
                       9.  What does ____________________________ ?
                       10. When do ______________________________?


                          Go  around  the  class  and  find  different  classmates  to  interview.  When  a  classmate
                          answers ‘Yes’, the interviewer should write the classmate’s name and ask for and write
                          additional information. For example:
                          A. Do you have two older brothers?
                          B. Yes, I do.
                          A. (writes classmate’s name in the box) What are their names?
                          B. Their names are Thomas and Patrick.
                          A. (writes this information in the box)

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