P. 80

C.  Compare the Saturdays’ activities of the Cox family and those of Indonesian’s families in general.

                                 Cox Family                        Indonesian’s families in general

                    1.  The son prepares dinner for the family      Mothers usually prepare the dinner.
                    2.  ________________________________    _________________________________________
                    3.  ________________________________    _________________________________________

                    4.  ________________________________    _________________________________________
                    5.  ________________________________    _________________________________________
                    6.  ________________________________    _________________________________________

                    7.  Etc.


                     A.   Use the words below to complete the paragraph.

                      arrive       do exercise          enjoy        fall asleep         hang out

                      get dressed   get up              go to bed    go home             spend time

                      have         take a bus

                                                    MY FAMILY DAILY ROUTINE

                                                     Some of my friends have a boring daily routine, but I like it. I
                                                   usually 1) ............... at about 06.00 or 06.30 in the morning, after
                                                   my alarm clock wakes me up. First, I brush my teeth, and shave,

                                                   and  wash  my  face.  At  the  same  time  my  wife  cooks  and  my
                    children have a shower. Then I 2) ................. and go downstairs to 3) ..................... breakfast with my
                    family. We always have coffee, cereals, and lots of fruits. That’s me in the picture with my wife and

                    children. I 4) ................. to work because I don’t like to drive, and I always 5) .................. at my office
                    before 08.00. I’m never late for work. Five o’clock is my favorite time of the day because I finish work
                    and 6) ..................... so I can see my wife and my two children again. We eat dinner together in our

                    dining  room  at  06.00.  After  that,  I  7)  ..................  with  my  wife  and  kids  at  home.  We  really  8)
                    ....................... watching our favorite TV programs together, but two or three times a week in the
                    evening, I 9) .................. so I can stay strong and healthy. That is very important. Finally, at about 9.30

                    I 10) ....................., read for a while, and then 11) ................... . Sure, some people think my daily
                    routine is little boring – but on weekends and holidays I love to 12) ............... with the family.
                                                                               Adapted from

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