P. 18
2. (woman) Did they get the new car they (A) They locked the map in a car.
wanted?. (B) They looked many times in the car.
(man) No, they lacked the money. (C) It cost a lot of money when the car leaked
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? oil.
(D) They didn't have enough money to buy
another car.
3. (man) Have you finished packing yet? (A) It's important to pack the suitcases.
(woman) You should call the porter to get (B) They need help carrying their bags.
the suitcases. (C) The man should pack his suit in case he
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN needs it.
MEAN? (D) The suitcases are quite portable.
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-3): In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation
and question on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question.
1. (A) He would like some iced coffee. 6. (A) The instructor is selecting several
(B) He wants to stop drinking coffee. passages.
(C) A drink seems like a good idea. (B) The conductor is fair to the
(D) He needs to drink something to stop passengers.
. his coughing. (C) The stamp collector is conducting his
2. (A) She would prefer a sunny day. (D) The riders are paying for the train
(B) The park is too crowded. trip.
(C) She would like a place that is not so
loud. · 7. (A) The managers will take the train to
(D) She cannot walk because she's too the program.
old. (B) A program to develop new managers
will commence soon.
3. (A) He should open an account. (C) The new management program is
(B) He should take a ride on a ship. very weak.
(C) He should try to keep the cost cheap. (D) The program will be maintained to
(D) He should try something monotonous the letter.
to get to sleep.
8. (A) The fire started to attack the building.
4. (A) The department is not changing the (B) The firefighter stared at the attacker.
requirements. (C) The fire probably began at the top of
(B) He hasn't heard anything about the the building.
change. (D) The firefighter started to attack the
(C) The changes are believable. fire.
(D) What has happened is incredible to
him. 9. (A) He assured the woman that
he knew the truth.
5. (A) The wait has taken close to an hour. (B) He is sure that it isn't new.
(B) They were stranded in their car. (C) He thought that the woman was
(C) Most of the people have been in line aware of what happened.
for hours. (D) He soon will know the truth.
(D) They made a line in the sand.
lO.(A) The art professor is not one of his
(B) His drawings were amazing.
(C) The catches that he made
were fantastic.
(D) His sketches showed a fantasy world.