P. 23
EXERCISE 6: In this exercise, underline the confusing nouns in each short conversation.
Then, read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember to think
very carefully about who is doing what.
1. (man) Why is Bill not at work this (A) The doctor decided to take some time off from
week? work.
(woman) His doctor made him take a (B) The doctor told Bill he wasn't too weak to work.
week off. (C) Bill was mad when the doctor took some time
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN off.
MEAN? (D) Bill took a vacation on his doctor's orders.
2. (man) Why is Paul going back home (A) Paul is getting married this summer.
this summer? (B) Paul's sister is returning from Vermont to get
(woman) He's returning to Vermont for married.
his sister's wedding. (C) Paul will be there when his sister gets married
(narrator) WHAT DOES THEY WOMAN this summer.
MEAN? (D) Paul's sister is coming to his wedding in
3. (man) Did you hear that John's (A) John received an inheritance when his uncle
uncle died? died.
(woman) Yes, and John was named (B) It's a benefit that John's name is the same as
beneficiary in his uncle's will. his uncle's.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (C) John knows that his uncle will come to the
MEAN? benefit.
(D) John's uncle gave him a beneficial name.
TOEFL EXERCISE {Skills 4-6): In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation
and question on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question.
1. (A) In a department store. 4. (A) A delivery man.
(B) In a stationery store. (B) A famous chef.
(C) At the post office. (C) A clerk in a fast-food restaurant.
(D) At the airport. (D) An airline steward.
2. (A) The teacher gave the students a 5. (A) They need new print for the
hand. additional copies.
(B) The term papers were turned in. (B) They can make extra copies if
(C) The students got the papers from the necessary.
office. (C) Printers are needed for the additional
(D) The teacher handed the papers to the copies.
students. (D) Additional copies are needed
3. (A) The attendant checked the oil in
Mark's car. 6. (A) The professor bought two books.
(B) Mark checked to see if he had enough (B) The students had to purchase
oil in his car. two books.
(C) Mark checked with the service (C) The students sold two books to
station attendant. the professor.
(D) Mark wrote a check to pay for the (D) The students were required to read
oil. two books by the professor.