P. 24


             7 .  (A)  The doctor returned to the office.     9.  (A)  Mary  became  the  new  class  president.
                 (B)  Jim asked the doctor to come to the         (B)  Sue took her place as class president.
                     office.                                      (C)  In place of Mary, Sue became senior
                 (C)  The doctor will not return  until next          class president.
                     week.                                        (D)  The  senior class  president replaced
                 (D)  Jim  was told to come back.                     Sue and  Mary.

             s.  (A)  Go  to work in  the lab.                 10.(A)  The  panel  was  analyzed  on  the
                 (B)  Sample the work from the lab.                   television  program.
                 (C)  Have the samples delivered.                 (B)  A  committee  evaluated  recent
                 (D)  Send a note to the lab.                         political events.
                                                                  (C)  The  program featured  a psychoanalyst.
                                                                  (D)  The  panel  discussed  the  television

             TOEEL  REVIEW  EXERCISE  (Skills  1-6):  In  this  exercise,  listen  carefully  to  the  short
             conversation and question on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question.


              1.  (A)  He  seemed to be  rather hungry.        7.  (A)  Buying the bigger container.
                 (B)  She was quite angry at him.                 (B)  Putting the milk in the cart.
                 (C)  He  was trying to hang the posters.         (C)  Taking a carton that is smaller.
                 (D)  She believes he  was mad.                   (D)  Getting the milk tomorrow instead.

             2.  (A)  The parents are going to stay up late.   8.  (A)  The  receptionist  welcomed  the
                 (B)  The parents have given Hannah her                businesspeople.
                     allowance.                                   (B)  The  man  created  a  shipping  and
                 (C)  Lately, the parents have not been so             receiving  business.
                      loud.                                       (C)  The  businesspeople  were  rather
                 (D)  Hannah does not have to go to bed                greedy.
                     early.                                       (D)  The  businesspeople  greeted  the
              3.  (A)  At a department store.
                 (B)  At a service station.                    9.  (A)  The police officer was stationed near
                 (C)  At a collection agency.                          the tourist.
                 (D)  In a delivery room.                         (B)  The tourist was forced to accompany
                                                                       the police officer.
              4.  (A)  She just broke some eggs.                  (C)  The tourist became mad at the police
                 (B)  They need to eat fast.                           station.
                 (C)  She is serious about the boat.              (D)  The  tourist  stated  that  the  police
                 (D)  He  has a choice to make.                        officer never came.

              5.  (A)  It was urgent that Ellen do her best.   10.  (A)  He  hasn't seen her ideas.
                 (B)  He  really urged Ellen to do more.          (B)  It was a terrible deal.
                 (C)  He  was  encouraged  by  Ellen  to  try     (C)  He doesn't like the idea.
                      harder.                                     (D)  It sounds magnificent to him.
                 (D)  Ellen told him that she was trying to
                      do  better.

              6.  (A)  The car stalled on  the road.
                 (B)  Someone took the car.
                 (C)  Rob sold  his car.
                 (D)  Rob  heard someone steal  his car.

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