Page 146 - Modul English Communication In Nursing
P. 146

b.   Below is an incomplete dialogue of a nurse assisting a patient with bedpan. Identify the phases

                      missing and complete the dialogue by providing the appropriate expressions.

                Ns. Ali      :  "Assalamu’alaikum,  Mr.  Mulyo.  I’m  here  to  assist  you  using  the  bedpan.  Does  that
                                sound okay?"
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "Wa’alaikumsalam. Yeah, that’s fine."
                Ns. Ali      :  "Great. First, to make sure your privacy is fully protected, 1) ……………………………………….
                                ……………………………………………………………….. And then 2) ………………………………………………
                                [keeping the room private by closing the door]                                             [keeping the room private by closing the curtain]
                                ……………………………. .”
                                "3) …………………………………………………………………………………………, so your body will not be
                                   [keeping patient’s privacy by covering body part]
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "Yes, please."
                Ns. Ali      :  "All right, I’ll place this blanket over you to keep you covered. Also, if you’d like to have
                                a family member or companion with you, that can be arranged. 4) ……………………………
                                ……………………………………………………………… .”
                                [keeping patient’s privacy by confirming the need for a companion]
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "No, I prefer to be alone for this."

                Ns. Ali      :  "All right then. Now, 5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………
                                                    [assisting patient to undress his lower pants/undergarments]
                                before putting the bedpan. Is that all right?"
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "Sure, go ahead."
                Ns. Ali      :  "6) …………………………………………………………………………………………………, please?"
                                [positioning patient’s hips]
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "Is this enough."
                Ns. Ali      :  "Yes, thank you! Now, let me get you into a comfortable position. Do you prefer to sit
                                or to lie down?”
                Mr. Mulyo    :  “Can you help me sit?”
                Ns. Ali      :  “Sure, 7) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Are you
                                        [positioning patient into a sitting position]
                                comfortable now?”
                Mr. Mulyo    :  “Well, my back is a bit aching”
                Ns. Ali      :  “8) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Is it better  now?”
                                [positioning patient into a more comfortable position with cushion]
                Mr. Mulyo    :  “Yes, it’s much better.”
                Ns. Ali      :  “9) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Then, if the
                                   [initiating procedure of assisting a bedpan]
                                position is right and you’re feeling comfortable, I will leave you for some privacy."
                Mr. Mulyo    :  "That’s very kind of you."

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