Page 81 - Primitives By Kathy Supplement
P. 81
102511 Each 105959 Each g 102510 Each WREATH KITS CHRISTMAS
002-02250 / 012-02025 002-01950 / 012-01755 002-02650 / 012-02385
Wreath - Mistletoe Wreath - Ice 18" Wreath - Yew
20" Outside Diameter 18" Outside Diameter 26" Outside Diameter
Plastic, Wire, Wood Plastic, Wire, Glitter Plastic, Wire, Wood
10" Inside Diameter 10" Inside Diameter 10" Inside Diameter
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Wreath adornments may cover the
entire inside of wreaths when placed.
23116 Each 105486 Each 105481 Each
002-02950 / 012-02655 002-02950 / 012-02655 002-02250 / 012-02025
Wreath - Pine With Berries Wreath - Mistletoe Mix Wreath - Boxwood
25" Outside Diameter 20" Outside Diameter 20" Outside Diameter
Wire, Plastic Wood, Plastic, Fabric, Wire Plastic, Wood, Wire
6" Inside Diameter v<1*!"$%=afeigB<v v<1*!"$%=afeibG<{
107763 Each z
002-02250 / 012-02025 107754 Each z 107759 Each z
Wreath - Flocked Pine 002-02250 / 012-02025 002-01950 / 012-01755
20" Outside Diameter Wreath - Flocked Spruce Wreath - Holly
Plastic, Natural Foliage, Pinecones, Flocking, Mica 20" Outside Diameter 20" Outside Diameter
8" Inside Diameter Plastic, Natural Foliage, Pinecones, Flocking, Mica Plastic, Natural Foliage, Mica
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