Page 83 - Primitives By Kathy Supplement
P. 83

Terms & Conditions

            O R D E R   R E Q U I R E M E N T S                     PAY M E N T   I N F O R M AT I O N
              •  We are a wholesale company, so we require all customers to submit a     •  Credit Card— We accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.
              signed sales tax exemption form prior to ordering product. Customers must   Your credit card will be charged only when the items are shipped.
              provide in order to receive wholesale pricing. Visit our website to find the     •  Returned Checks— $35 may be added to your account for each occurrence
              appropriate sales tax exemption form for your state.    of returned or stop payment checks.
              •  There is NO minimum order requirement for new orders or reorders, with      •  Late Payments— Finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR) may be
              the exception of web orders. There are minimum order requirements per    added to all past due invoices.
              item. The order must be in multiples of each item’s requirement. If the      •  Collection Fees— If a customer account is forwarded to a collection agency,
              minimum for an item is not ordered, it will automatically be adjusted to    all additional legal or collection fees incurred will be the responsibility of
              the next higher number.                                 the customer.
              •  Please be aware that if your initial order is under $50, or if your back order      •  All prices listed are in U.S. dollars and are subject to change without notice.
              falls below $50, it may be canceled without notification.
            R E Q U I R E M E N T S                                 C U S T O M E R   C A R E   H O U R S
              •  Freight costs are the responsibility of the customer and are determined by     • Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (EST)
              weight, dimension, and destination of the package.    L A N C A S T E R   S H O W R O O M   H O U R S
              •  Items are shipped UPS Ground from Lancaster, PA, unless specified     135 Independence Court, Lancaster, PA 17601   phone: 717.945.7890
              otherwise by the customer.                              •  Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (EST)
              •  Back orders will be shipped within 2-6 weeks, however freight costs for
              back orders are the responsibility of the customer. Seasonal and newly     •  Wednesdays: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm (EST) Except: Nov 25 (Closing at 4:30pm)
              introduced items may not be available immediately.      •  First Saturday of the month: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (EST)
              •  Multiple ship dates may be arranged, upon request, but only at the time the     •  Directions: From Route 30 East or West take the Greenfield Road exit.
              order is placed.                                        Turn left onto Greenfield Road, then turn left before the train tracks
              •  All terms and dating requests must be approved by accounting.  onto Independence Court. Our showroom will be on the left at
                                                                      135 Independence Court.
            C A N C E L L AT I O N S ,   D A M A G E S   A N D / O R   R E T U R N S    •  We will be closed the following days in observation of 2020 holidays:
              •  Any freight errors or damage claims must be reported by calling our   July 3 & 4, September 7, November 26 & 27, and December 25.
              customer care department no more than 10 days from the date the product   W E B - O N LY   S P E C I A L S
              is received. Freight is responsibility of customer.
              •  Orders may be canceled by calling our customer care department or by   Register online and take advantage of great web-only specials
              sending a notification via email. Canceled orders may be subject to a
              20% restocking fee. Freight is responsibility of customer.  C ATA L O G   U P D AT E S
              •  Return requests need to be authorized by calling our customer care   For alterations to these pages, please visit
              department for a Return Authorization number prior to returning any
              product. Returned orders may be subject to a 20% restocking fee.
                        ITE M INF ORMATION GU I D E
             Refer to this key to understand coding for item number, minimum order

             quantities, pricing information, packaging information and product features.
            PBK Item Number                    Unit

                                               Item Short Description
            Minimum Order       100229 Each
            Item must be ordered in   Box Sign - Love
            increments of the minimum.   002-00950 / 012-00855  Case Price/Unit
            ex. Minimum is 2 units             Place decimal point two

                                               places to the left. ex. $8.55
            Item Price/Unit
            Place decimal point two            Case Quantity/Item

            places to the left. ex. $9.50      ex. Case contains 12 units
            Each - one item  ST - set   CD - card   BN - bundle
            Pair - item is a pair  BX - box  BG - bag  Deck - deck of cards
              Item Features Key

                                             Product Dimensions listed as
                                             Width (a)  x  Height (c) or
                      Not eligible   Not eligible   Width (a)  x   Height (c)  x Depth (b)
                      for OWL Day   for PBK Day
                      discount   discount

                                              1817 William Penn Way, Lancaster PA 17601
              phone: 1.866.295.2849  fax: 717.394.4327  email:
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