Page 24 - Kiss Me In The Garden
P. 24


                                                                                         89476 Cassie the Cow Bank,
                                                                                        with a slot for the money and
                                                                                      a removable stopper in the bottom,
                                                                                            Minimum 3, $5.75

           89432 Cassie the Cow Paci Blankie,
         safely holds the pacifier while baby holds  89409 Cassie the Cow Tooth Fairy Toy,
                  the blankie, 10”,              with a pocket for the lost tooth, 9”,
                  Minimum 4, $6.15                     Minimum 4, $7.50

                                                                                         99857 Cassie the Cow Socks,
                                                                                               0-6 months,
                                                                                             Minimum 4, $2.00

           89404 Cassie the Cow Travel Pillow,
          makes travel more fun and comfy, 11”,
                 Minimum 3, $10.50
                                                      See Page 79 for Bow

                                                                                      99904 Farm Friends Socks Gift Set,
                                                                                          set of 3 pair, 0-6 months,
                                                                                             Minimum 3, $6.00

                89416 Cassie the Cow,                                                 89423 Cassie the Cow Stick Rattle,
                       14”,                        89411 Cassie the Cow Purse,      rattles and makes a crinkle sound, 6” tall,
                 Minimum 3, $11.00                     Minimum 3, $6.75                      Minimum 4, $5.00


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