Page 25 - Kiss Me In The Garden
P. 25

BELLA                        the


                                                                                   10509 Bella the Butterfly Tooth Fairy Toy,
                                                                                     with a pocket for the lost tooth, 9” tall,
                                                                                             Minimum 4, $7.50

                                                                                      10567 Double Burp Cloth Gift Set,
                                                                                  comes rolled and tied together with a ribbon,
                                                                                       Minimum 3, $11.00 NOW $7.00
                                                                                  10569 Bella the Butterfly Single Burp Cloth,
                                                                                     100% cotton, comes tied with a ribbon,
                                                                                       Minimum 3, $5.75 NOW $4.00

                                                                                        10566 Boxed Bib & Burp Set,
                                           10551 Bella the Butterfly Multifunction Blankie,  comes beautifully packaged
                                                  tabs with varying textures and           and tied with a ribbon,
             10721 Flower Squeaker Rattle,      two teething rings make this blankie  Minimum 3, $12.50 NOW $10.00
                      6” tall                       extra special, 15” square,      10568 Bella the Butterfly Bib only, 11”,
             Minimum 4, $5.00 NOW $4.00           Minimum 3, $10.75 NOW $8.50          Minimum 3, $5.75 NOW $4.75

          10504 Bella the Butterfly Travel Pillow,                                   10512 Bella the Butterfly Pully Woolie,
         great for infants through grade-school age,   10515 Bella the Butterfly Toy,  arms and legs that adjust by pulling on them!
                       11”,                         with crinkle wings, 13” tall,                 22.5”,
             Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $6.00           Minimum 3, $9.00 NOW $7.50           Minimum 3, $10.00 NOW $8.00


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