Page 7 - Wax Lyrical Main Catalog
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            Adventure Sets                                        Field Guides
            Forty-four Adventure Sets include a wildlife identification guide paired   Set of four bestselling field guides that highlight common and
            with a National Geographic map.                       unique plant and animal species, natural attractions and wildlife
                                                                  viewing areas.
            Package size: 5” x 11”
            Format: Each kit includes a map and one guide in an acetate bag   Trim size: 5 ½” x 8 ½”, with spine
              with hang tab                                       Format: Perfect bound, 176 pages, 4-color throughout
            Price: $17.95 US                                      Price: $16.95 US

            Search & Rescue Guides                                The Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds Series
            Four titles created in collaboration with the National Association for   A collection of 15 pocket reference guides that includes how-to
            Search and Rescue (NASAR).                            essentials and tips for species identification.
            Trim size: 3 ¾” x 5 ½” folded trim size               Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine
            Format: Waterproof folding guide                      Format: Laminated folding guide
            Price: $9.95 US                                       Price: $9.95 US

            Nature Activity Books                                 The Cornell Lab of Ornithology Waterfowl ID Series
            Fourteen activity books with educational games, puzzles and fun   Developed with Cornell Lab experts, this series includes three
            learning activities. The series includes titles specific to grade levels   guides that address a unique waterfowl identification system.
            2-4 and 3-5.
                                                                  Trim size: 3 ¾” x 8 ¼” folded trim size, with spine
            Trim size: 8 ½” x 11”, with spine                     Format: Laminated folding guide
            Format: Perfect bound, 32 pages, 4-color throughout   Price: $7.95 US
            Price: $6.95 US

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