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         for buying property is a cost that must be paid   the  amount  you  pay  for  the  property  plus  the   Activities subject to the rules.  You must use
         even if you bought the property for cash.  amount to be paid on the mortgage.  the uniform capitalization rules if you do any of
            The following items are some of the settle-                          the following in your trade or business or activity
         ment  fees  or  closing  costs  you  can  include  in   Example.  If you buy a building for $20,000   carried  on  for  profit.  However,  see  Exceptions
         the basis of your property.         cash and assume a mortgage of $80,000 on it,   below.
           • Abstract fees (abstract of title fees).  your basis is $100,000.      • Produce real or tangible personal property
           • Charges for installing utility services.                                for use in the business or activity.
           • Legal fees (including title search and prep-  Constructing  assets.  If  you  build  property  or   • Produce real or tangible personal property
             aration of the sales contract and deed).  have assets built for you, your expenses for this   for sale to customers.
           • Recording fees.                 construction  are  part  of  your  basis.  Some  of   • Acquire property for resale.
           • Surveys.                        these expenses include the following costs.  You produce property if you construct, build,
           • Transfer taxes.                   • Land.                           install,  manufacture,  develop,  improve,  create,
           • Owner's title insurance.          • Labor and materials.            raise, or grow the property. Treat property pro-
           • Any amounts the seller owes that you   • Architect's fees.          duced for you under a contract as produced by
             agree to pay, such as back taxes or inter-  • Building permit charges.  you up to the amount you pay or costs you oth-
             est, recording or mortgage fees, charges   • Payments to contractors.  erwise incur for the property. Tangible personal
             for improvements or repairs, and sales   • Payments for rental equipment.  property includes films, sound recordings, video
             commissions.                      • Inspection fees.                tapes, books, or similar property.
            Settlement  costs  don't  include  amounts   In addition, if you own a business and use your   Under  the  uniform  capitalization  rules,  you
         placed in escrow for the future payment of items   employees, material, and equipment to build an   must capitalize all direct costs and an allocable
         such as taxes and insurance.        asset, don't deduct the following expenses. You   part of most indirect costs you incur due to your
            The  following  items  are  some  settlement   must include them in the asset's basis.  production  or  resale  activities.  To  capitalize
         fees and closing costs you can't include in the   • Employee wages paid for the construction   means to include certain expenses in the basis
         basis of the property.                  work, reduced by any employment credits   of  property  you  produce  or  in  your  inventory
           1. Casualty insurance premiums.     • Depreciation on equipment you own while   costs rather than deduct them as a current ex-
                                                                                 pense. You recover these costs through deduc-
           2. Rent for occupancy of the property before   it's used in the construction.  tions  for  depreciation,  amortization,  or  cost  of
             closing.                          • Operating and maintenance costs for   goods sold when you use, sell, or otherwise dis-
                                                 equipment used in the construction.
           3. Charges for utilities or other services rela-  • The cost of business supplies and materi-  pose of the property.
                                                                                    Any cost you can't use to figure your taxable
             ted to occupancy of the property before   als used in the construction.  income for any tax year isn't subject to the uni-
             closing.                              Don't include the value of your own la-  form capitalization rules.
           4. Charges connected with getting a loan.   bor,  or  any  other  labor  you  didn't  pay
             The following are examples of these   CAUTION  for,  in  the  basis  of  any  property  you   Example.  If you incur a business meal ex-
             charges.                        construct.                          pense for which your deduction would be limi-
              a. Points (discount points, loan origina-                          ted to 50% of the cost of the meal, that amount
                                                                                 is  subject  to  the  uniform  capitalization  rules.
                tion fees).                  Business Assets                     The nondeductible part of the cost isn't subject
              b. Mortgage insurance premiums.                                    to the uniform capitalization rules.
              c. Loan assumption fees.       Terms you may need to know          More information.  For more information about
              d. Cost of a credit report.    (see Glossary):                     these  rules,  see  the  regulations  under  section
              e. Fees for an appraisal required by a      Amortization           263A  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  and  Pub.
                                                                                 538, Accounting Periods and Methods.
                lender.                          Capitalization
           5. Fees for refinancing a mortgage.       Depletion                   Exceptions.  For  tax  years  beginning  in  2022,
                                                                                 you're  not  subject  to  the  uniform  capitalization
         If these costs relate to business property, items      Fair market value (FMV)  rules if your average annual gross receipts are
         (1)  through  (3)  are  deductible  as  business  ex-     Going concern value  $27 million or less for the 3 preceding tax years
         penses.  Items  (4)  and  (5)  must  be  capitalized      Goodwill      and  you're  not  a  tax  shelter.  See  section
         as costs of getting a loan and can be deducted      Intangible property  263A(i).
         over the period of the loan.            Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery   In  addition,  the  following  are  not  subject  to
                                                 System (MACRS) property
         Points.  If  you  pay  points  to  obtain  a  loan  (in-     Personal property  the uniform capitalization rules.
                                                                                   • Property you produce that you don't use in
         cluding  a  mortgage,  second  mortgage,  line  of      Recapture           your trade, business, or activity conducted
         credit,  or  a  home  equity  loan),  don't  add  the      Section 179 deduction  for profit.
         points to the basis of the related property. Gen-     Section 197 intangibles  • Qualified creative expenses you pay or in-
         erally,  you  deduct  the  points  over  the  term  of      Tangible property  cur as a freelance (self-employed) writer,
         the loan. For more information on how to deduct                             photographer, or artist that are otherwise
         points, see Points in chapter 4 of Pub. 535.                                deductible on your tax return.
            Points  on  home  mortgage.  Special  rules   If  you  purchase  property  to  use  in  your  busi-  • Property you produce under a long-term
         may  apply  to  points  you  and  the  seller  pay   ness, your basis is usually its actual cost to you.   contract, except for certain home construc-
         when you obtain a mortgage to purchase your   If  you  construct,  create,  or  otherwise  produce   tion contracts.
         main home. If certain requirements are met, you   property, you must capitalize the costs as your   • Research and experimental expenses de-
         can deduct the points in full for the year in which   basis.  In  certain  circumstances,  you  may  be   ductible under section 174 of the Internal
         they're paid. Reduce the basis of your home by   subject  to  the  uniform  capitalization  rules  (dis-  Revenue Code.
         any  seller-paid  points.  For  more  information,   cussed next).        • Before 2018, costs for personal property
         see Points in Pub. 936, Home Mortgage Inter-                                acquired for resale if your (or your prede-
         est Deduction.                      Uniform Capitalization Rules            cessor's) average annual gross receipts for
                                                                                     the 3 previous tax years don't exceed $10
         Assumption of mortgage.  If you buy property                                million.
         and  assume  (or  buy  subject  to)  an  existing   The  uniform  capitalization  rules  specify  the
         mortgage  on  the  property,  your  basis  includes   costs you add to basis in certain circumstances.

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