Page 137 - Virtual Currencies
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         For  other  exceptions  to  the  uniform  capitaliza-  the  other  business  assets  received  in  propor-  Modification of building.  A modification of
         tion rules, see section 1.263A-1(b) of the regu-  tion to (but not more than) their FMV in the fol-  a  building  won't  be  treated  as  a  demolition  if
         lations.                            lowing order.                       both the following conditions are satisfied.
            For information on the special rules that ap-  1. Certificates of deposit, U.S. government   • 75% or more of the existing external walls
         ply to costs incurred in the business of farming,   securities, foreign currency, and actively   of the building are retained in place as in-
         see chapter 6 in Pub. 225, Farmer's Tax Guide.  traded personal property, including stock   ternal or external walls.
                                                 and securities.                   • 75% or more of the existing internal struc-
         Intangible Assets                                                           tural framework of the building is retained
                                               2. Accounts receivable, other debt instru-  in place.
                                                 ments, and assets you mark to market at
         Intangible  assets  include  goodwill,  patents,   least annually for federal income tax pur-  If the building is a certified historic structure,
         copyrights,  trademarks,  trade  names,  and   poses.                   the modification must also be part of a certified
         franchises.  The  basis  of  an  intangible  asset  is                  rehabilitation.
         usually  the  cost  to  buy  or  create  it.  If  you  ac-  3. Property of a kind that would properly be   If these conditions are met, add the costs of
         quire multiple assets, for example, an ongoing   included in inventory if on hand at the end   the modifications to the basis of the building.
         business for a lump sum, see Allocating the Ba-  of the tax year or property held primarily
         sis, later, to figure the basis of the individual as-  for sale to customers in the ordinary   Subdivided lots.  If you buy a tract of land and
         sets.  The  basis  of  certain  intangibles  can  be   course of business.  subdivide  it,  you  must  determine  the  basis  of
         amortized. See chapter 8 of Pub. 535 for infor-  4. All other assets except section 197 intan-  each  lot.  This  is  necessary  because  you  must
         mation on the amortization of these costs.  gibles, goodwill, and going concern value.  figure the gain or loss on the sale of each indi-
                                                                                 vidual  lot.  As  a  result,  you  don't  recover  your
         Patents.  The basis of a patent you get for an   5. Section 197 intangibles except goodwill   entire cost in the tract until you have sold all of
         invention  is  the  cost  of  development,  such  as   and going concern value.  the lots.
         research and experimental expenditures, draw-  6. Goodwill and going concern value   To determine the basis of an individual lot,
         ings,  working  models,  and  attorneys'  and  gov-  (whether or not they qualify as section 197   multiply the total cost of the tract by a fraction.
         ernmental fees. If you deduct the research and   intangibles).          The numerator is the FMV of the lot and the de-
         experimental expenditures as current business                           nominator is the FMV of the entire tract.
         expenses, you can't include them in the basis of   Agreement.  The  buyer  and  seller  may  enter   Future improvement costs.  If you're a de-
         the  patent.  The  value  of  the  inventor's  time   into a written agreement as to the allocation of   veloper and sell subdivided lots before the de-
         spent on an invention isn't part of the basis.  any consideration or the FMV of any of the as-  velopment  work  is  completed,  you  can  (with
                                             sets. This agreement is binding on both parties   IRS consent) include in the basis of the proper-
         Copyrights.  If you're an author, the basis of a   unless the IRS determines the amounts are not   ties  sold  an  allocation  of  the  estimated  future
         copyright will usually be the cost of getting the   appropriate.
         copyright  plus  copyright  fees,  attorneys'  fees,                    cost for common improvements. See Revenue
                                                                                 Procedure 92-29, 1992-1 C.B. 748, for more in-
         clerical  assistance,  and  the  cost  of  plates  that   Reporting  requirement.  Both  the  buyer  and
         remain  in  your  possession.  Don't  include  the   seller  involved  in  the  sale  of  business  assets   formation,  including  an  explanation  of  the  pro-
                                                                                 cedures for getting consent from the IRS.
         value  of  your  time  as  the  author,  or  any  other   must report to the IRS the allocation of the sales
         person's time you didn't pay for.   price  among  section  197  intangibles  and  the   Use of erroneous cost basis.  If you made
                                             other business assets. Use Form 8594 to pro-  a mistake in figuring the cost basis of subdivi-
         Franchises,  trademarks,  and  trade  names.   vide  this  information.  The  buyer  and  seller   ded  lots  sold  in  previous  years,  you  can't  cor-
         If  you  buy  a  franchise,  trademark,  or  trade   should  each  attach  Form  8594  to  their  federal   rect the mistake for years for which the statute
         name, the basis is its cost, unless you can de-  income tax return for the year in which the sale   of  limitations  (generally,  3  tax  years)  has  ex-
         duct your payments as a business expense.  occurred.                    pired. Figure the basis of any remaining lots by
         Allocating the Basis                More information.  See Sale of a Business in   allocating the correct original cost basis of the
                                                                                 entire tract among the original lots.
                                             chapter 2 of Pub. 544 for more information.
                                                                                    Example.  You  bought  a  tract  of  land  to
         If you buy multiple assets for a lump sum, allo-                        which you assigned a cost of $15,000. You sub-
         cate the amount you pay among the assets you   Land and Buildings       divided  the  land  into  15  building  lots  of  equal
         receive. You must make this allocation to figure                        size  and  equitably  divided  your  basis  so  that
         your basis for depreciation and gain or loss on a   If you buy buildings and the land on which they   each lot had a basis of $1,000. You treated the
         later  disposition  of  any  of  these  assets.  See   stand for a lump sum, allocate the basis of the   sale of each lot as a separate transaction and
         Trade or Business Acquired below.   property  among  the  land  and  the  buildings  so   figured gain or loss separately on each sale.
                                             you can figure the depreciation allowable on the   Several years later, you determine that your
         Group of Assets Acquired            buildings.                          original basis in the tract was $22,500 and not
                                                Figure the basis of each asset by multiplying   $15,000. You sold eight lots using $8,000 of ba-
         If you buy multiple assets for a lump sum, you   the  lump  sum  by  a  fraction.  The  numerator  is   sis  in  years  for  which  the  statute  of  limitations
         and the seller may agree to a specific allocation   the  FMV  of  that  asset  and  the  denominator  is   has expired. You now can take $1,500 of basis
         of the purchase price among the assets in the   the  FMV  of  the  whole  property  at  the  time  of   into account for figuring gain or loss only on the
         sales contract. If this allocation is based on the   purchase. If you're not certain of the FMV of the   sale  of  each  of  the  remaining  seven  lots
         value of each asset and you and the seller have   land  and  buildings,  you  can  allocate  the  basis   ($22,500 basis divided among all 15 lots). You
         adverse tax interests, the allocation will gener-  based on their assessed values for real estate   can't refigure the basis of the eight lots sold in
         ally be accepted. However, see Trade or Busi-  tax purposes.            tax years barred by the statute of limitations.
         ness Acquired next.
                                             Demolition of building.  Add demolition costs   Adjusted Basis
         Trade or Business Acquired          and other losses incurred for the demolition of
                                             any  building  to  the  basis  of  the  land  on  which
         If you acquire a trade or business, allocate the   the  demolished  building  was  located.  Don't   Before  figuring  gain  or  loss  on  a  sale,  ex-
                                                                                 change, or other disposition of property, or fig-
         consideration  paid  to  the  various  assets  ac-  claim the costs as a current deduction.  uring allowable depreciation, depletion, or am-
         quired.  Generally,  reduce  the  consideration                         ortization,  you  must  usually  make  certain
         paid by any cash and general deposit accounts                           adjustments to the basis of the property. The re-
         (including  checking  and  savings  accounts)  re-                      sult of these adjustments to the basis is the ad-
         ceived. Allocate the remaining consideration to                         justed basis.

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