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               If  part  of  your  workers'  compensation   Other  compensation.    Many  other  amounts   services, such as in Example 23, later, you may
           !   reduces your social security or equiva-  you receive as compensation for sickness or in-  have to use another form or schedule instead.
          CAUTION  lent  railroad  retirement  benefits  re-  jury aren't taxable. These include the following
         ceived,  that  part  is  considered  social  security   amounts.           Example 20.   You're a self-employed attor-
         (or equivalent railroad retirement) benefits and   • Compensatory damages you receive for   ney who performs legal services for a client, a
         may  be  taxable.  See  Pub.  554  and  Pub.  915,   physical injury or physical sickness,   small  corporation.  The  corporation  gives  you
         Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retire-  whether paid in a lump sum or in periodic   shares  of  its  stock  as  payment  for  your  serv-
         ment Benefits, for more information.    payments. See Court awards and dam-  ices. You must include the FMV of the shares in
                                                 ages under Other Income, later.  your income on Schedule C (Form 1040) in the
         Return  to  work.    If  you  return  to  work  after   • Benefits you receive under an accident or   year you receive them.
         qualifying  for  workers'  compensation,  salary   health insurance policy on which either you   Example  21.    You're  a  self-employed  ac-
         payments  you  receive  for  performing  light  du-  paid the premiums or your employer paid
         ties are taxable as wages.              the premiums but you had to include them   countant.  You  and  a  house  painter  are  mem-
                                                 in your income.                 bers  of  a  barter  club.  Members  contact  each
         Disability pension.  If your disability pension is   • Disability benefits you receive for loss of   other  directly  and  bargain  for  the  value  of  the
         paid under a statute that provides benefits only   income or earning capacity as a result of   services to be performed. In return for account-
         to  employees  with  service-connected  disabili-  injuries under a no-fault car insurance pol-  ing  services  you  provided,  the  house  painter
         ties,  part  of  it  may  be  workers'  compensation.   icy.            painted your home. You must report as your in-
         That  part  is  exempt  from  tax.  The  rest  of  your   • Compensation you receive for permanent   come on Schedule C (Form 1040) the FMV of
         pension, based on years of service, is taxable   loss or loss of use of a part or function of   the house painting services you received. The
         as  pension  or  annuity  income.  If  you  die,  the   your body, or for your permanent disfigure-  house painter must include in income the FMV
         part of your survivors' benefit that is a continua-  ment. This compensation must be based   of the accounting services you provided.
         tion  of  the  workers'  compensation  is  exempt   only on the injury and not on the period of
         from tax.                               your absence from work. These benefits   Example  22.    You're  self-employed  and  a
                                                 aren't taxable even if your employer pays   member of a barter club. The club uses credit
         Other Sickness                          for the accident and health plan that pro-  units  as  a  means  of  exchange.  It  adds  credit
                                                                                 units to your account for goods or services you
                                                 vides these benefits.
         and Injury Benefits                                                     provide to members, which you can use to pur-
                                             Reimbursement  for  medical  care.  A  reim-  chase goods or services offered by other mem-
         In addition to disability pensions and annuities,   bursement for medical care is generally not tax-  bers of the barter club. The club subtracts credit
                                                                                 units  from  your  account  when  you  receive
         you may receive other payments for sickness or   able. However, it may reduce your medical ex-  goods  or  services  from  other  members.  You
         injury.                             pense deduction. If you receive reimbursement
                                             for an expense you deducted in an earlier year,   must  include  in  your  income  the  value  of  the
         Railroad  sick  pay.  Payments  you  receive  as   see Recoveries, later.  credit  units  that  are  added  to  your  account,
                                                                                 even  though  you  may  not  actually  receive
         sick pay under the Railroad Unemployment In-  If you receive an advance reimbursement or
         surance Act are taxable and you must include   loan for future medical expenses from your em-  goods  or  services  from  other  members  until  a
                                                                                 later tax year.
         them  in  your  income.  However,  don't  include   ployer without regard to whether you suffered a
         them in your income if they're for an on-the-job   personal injury or sickness or incurred medical   Example  23.    You  own  a  small  apartment
         injury.                             expenses,  that  amount  is  included  in  your  in-
                                             come, whether or not you incur uninsured medi-  building. In return for 6 months rent-free use of
         Black  lung  benefit  payments.  These  pay-  cal expenses during the year.  an apartment, an artist gives you a work of art
                                                                                 she created. You must report as rental income
         ments are similar to workers' compensation and   Reimbursements  received  under  your  em-
         aren't taxable in most cases.       ployer's  plan  for  expenses  incurred  before  the   on Schedule E (Form 1040) the FMV of the art-
                                             plan was established are included in income.  work,  and  the  artist  must  report  as  income  on
         Federal  Employees'  Compensation  Act   Amounts  you  receive  under  a  reimburse-  Schedule C (Form 1040) the fair rental value of
         (FECA).  Payments  received  under  FECA  for   ment plan that provides for the payment of un-  the apartment.
         personal injury or sickness, including payments   used reimbursement amounts in cash or other
         to beneficiaries in case of death, aren't taxable.   benefits  are  included  in  your  income.  For  de-  Form  1099-B  from  barter  exchange.  If  you
                                                                                 exchanged property or services through a bar-
         However, you're taxed on amounts you receive   tails, see Pub. 969.
         under FECA as continuation of pay for up to 45                          ter  exchange,  Form  1099-B  or  a  similar  state-
                                                                                 ment from the barter exchange should be sent
         days while a claim is being decided. Report this
         income  on  line  1a  of  Form  1040  or  1040-SR.  Miscellaneous Income  to you by February 15, 2023. It should show the
         Also,  pay  for  sick  leave  while  a  claim  is  being                value  of  cash,  property,  services,  credits,  or
         processed  is  taxable  and  must  be  included  in   This section discusses various types of income.   scrip  you  received  from  exchanges  during
                                                                                 2022. The IRS will also receive a copy of Form
         your income as wages.               You  may  have  taxable  income  from  certain   1099-B.
               If part of the payments you receive un-  transactions even if no money changes hands.
           !   der FECA reduces your social security   For  example,  you  may  have  taxable  income  if   Backup  withholding.  In  most  cases,  the  in-
                                             you lend money at a below-market interest rate
          CAUTION  or equivalent railroad retirement bene-                       come you receive from bartering isn't subject to
         fits received, that part is considered social se-  or have a debt you owe canceled.  regular  income  tax  withholding.  However,
         curity (or equivalent railroad retirement) benefits                     backup withholding will apply in certain circum-
         and may be taxable. See Pub. 554 for more in-  Bartering                stances  to  ensure  that  income  tax  is  collected
         formation.                                                              on this income.
                                             Bartering  is  an  exchange  of  property  or  serv-  Under  backup  withholding,  the  barter  ex-
         Qualified  Indian  health  care  benefit.    For   ices.  You  must  include  in  your  income,  at  the   change  must  withhold,  as  income  tax,  28%  of
         benefits and coverage provided after March 23,   time received, the FMV of property or services   the income if:
         2010,  the  value  of  any  qualified  Indian  health   you receive in bartering. If you exchange serv-  • You don't give the barter exchange your
         care  benefit  isn't  taxable.  These  benefits  in-  ices  with  another  person  and  you  both  have   TIN, or
         clude any health service or benefits provided by   agreed ahead of time on the value of the serv-  • The IRS notifies the barter exchange that
         the  Indian  Health  Service,  amounts  to  reim-  ices, that value will be accepted as FMV unless   you gave it an incorrect TIN.
         burse  medical  care  expenses  provided  by  an   the value can be shown to be otherwise.  If you join a barter exchange, you must certify
         Indian tribe, coverage under accident or health   Generally, you report this income on Sched-  under penalties of perjury that your TIN is cor-
         insurance, and any other medical care provided   ule  C  (Form  1040).  However,  if  the  barter  in-  rect and that you aren't subject to backup with-
         by an Indian tribe.                 volves  an  exchange  of  something  other  than   holding.  If  you  don't  make  this  certification,

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