Page 47 - Virtual Currencies
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            Endowment proceeds that you choose to re-  Recoveries                Mortgage  interest  refund.  If  you  received  a
         ceive in installments instead of a lump sum pay-                        refund  or  credit  in  2022  of  mortgage  interest
         ment at the maturity of the policy are taxed as   A recovery is a return of an amount you deduc-  paid  in  an  earlier  year,  the  amount  should  be
         an  annuity.  This  is  explained  in  Pub.  575.  For   ted  or  took  a  credit  for  in  an  earlier  year.  The   shown in box 4 of your Form 1098. Don’t sub-
         this treatment to apply, you must choose to re-  most  common  recoveries  are  refunds,  reim-  tract  the  refund  amount  from  the  interest  you
         ceive  the  proceeds  in  installments  before  re-  bursements,  and  rebates  of  itemized  deduc-  paid in 2022. You may have to include it in your
         ceiving any part of the lump sum. This election   tions.  You  may  also  have  recoveries  of  noni-  income under the rules explained in the follow-
         must  be  made  within  60  days  after  the   temized  deductions  (such  as  payments  on   ing discussions.
         lump-sum  payment  first  becomes  payable  to   previously deducted bad debts) and recoveries
         you.                                of items for which you previously claimed a tax   Interest  on  recovery.  Interest  on  any  of  the
                                             credit.                             amounts you recover must be reported as inter-
         Accelerated Death Benefits                                              est  income  in  the  year  received.  For  example,
                                             Tax benefit rule.  You must include a recovery   report any interest you received on state or lo-
         Certain  amounts  paid  as  accelerated  death   in your income in the year you receive it up to   cal  income  tax  refunds  on  Form  1040,
         benefits under a life insurance contract or viati-  the amount by which the deduction or credit you   1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 2b..
         cal  settlement  before  the  insured's  death  are   took for the recovered amount reduced your tax
         excluded  from  income  if  the  insured  is  termi-  in  the  earlier  year.  For  this  purpose,  any  in-  Recovery and expense in same year.   If the
         nally or chronically ill.           crease to an amount carried over to the current   refund or other recovery and the expense occur
                                             year that resulted from the deduction or credit is   in the same year, the recovery reduces the de-
         Viatical settlement.  This is the sale or assign-  considered to have reduced your tax in the ear-  duction or credit and isn't reported as income.
         ment of any part of the death benefit under a life   lier year.
         insurance contract to a viatical settlement pro-                        Recovery for 2 or more years.   If you receive
         vider. A viatical settlement provider is a person   Federal  income  tax  refund.  Refunds  of  fed-  a  refund  or  other  recovery  that  is  for  amounts
         who regularly engages in the business of buy-  eral  income  taxes  aren't  included  in  your  in-  you paid in 2 or more separate years, you must
         ing or taking assignment of life insurance con-  come  because  they're  never  allowed  as  a  de-  allocate,  on  a  pro  rata  basis,  the  recovered
         tracts on the lives of insured individuals who are   duction from income.  amount between the years in which you paid it.
         terminally  or  chronically  ill  and  who  meets  the                  This  allocation  is  necessary  to  determine  the
         requirements  of  section  101(g)(2)(B)  of  the  In-  State tax refund.  If you received a state or lo-  amount of recovery from any earlier years and
         ternal Revenue Code.                cal  income  tax  refund  (or  credit  or  offset)  in   to determine the amount, if any, of your allowa-
                                             2022, you must generally include it in income if   ble deduction for this item for the current year.
         Exclusion  for  terminal  illness.  Accelerated   you  deducted  the  tax  in  an  earlier  year.  The
         death benefits are fully excludable if the insured   payer should send Form 1099-G to you by Jan-  Example  28.    You  paid  2021  estimated
         is a terminally ill individual. This is a person who   uary 31, 2023. The IRS will also receive a copy   state  income  tax  of  $4,000  in  four  equal  pay-
         has been certified by a physician as having an   of  the  Form  1099-G.  If  you  file  Form  1040  or   ments. You made your fourth payment in Janu-
         illness or physical condition that can reasonably   1040-SR,  use  the  worksheet  in  the  2022  In-  ary 2022. You had no state income tax withheld
         be expected to result in death within 24 months   structions for Schedule 1 (Form 1040) to figure   during 2021. In 2022, you received a $400 tax
         from the date of the certification.  the  amount  (if  any)  to  include  in  your  income.   refund based on your 2021 state income tax re-
                                             See  Itemized  Deduction  Recoveries,  later,  for   turn.  You  claimed  itemized  deductions  each
         Exclusion  for  chronic  illness.  If  the  insured   when  you  must  use  Worksheet  2,  later  in  this   year on Schedule A (Form 1040).
         is a chronically ill individual who isn't terminally   publication.        You must allocate the $400 refund between
         ill, accelerated death benefits paid on the basis   If you could choose to deduct for a tax year   2021 and 2022, the years in which you paid the
         of  costs  incurred  for  qualified  long-term  care   either:          tax on which the refund is based. You paid 75%
         services are fully excludable. Accelerated death   • State and local income taxes, or  ($3,000 ÷ $4,000) of the estimated tax in 2021,
         benefits  paid  on  a  per  diem  or  other  periodic   • State and local general sales taxes, then  so  75%  of  the  $400  refund,  or  $300,  is  for
         basis are excludable up to a limit. For 2022, this   the  maximum  refund  that  you  may  have  to  in-  amounts  you  paid  in  2021  and  is  a  recovery
         limit is $390. It applies to the total of the accel-  clude in income is limited to the excess of the   item.  If  all  of  the  $300  is  a  taxable  recovery
         erated  death  benefits  and  any  periodic  pay-  tax you chose to deduct for that year over the   item, you'll include $300 on Schedule 1 (Form
         ments  received  from  long-term  care  insurance   tax you didn't choose to deduct for that year.  1040),  line  1,  for  2022,  and  attach  a  copy  of
         contracts.  For  information  on  the  limit  and  the                  your  calculation  showing  why  that  amount  is
         definitions  of  chronically  ill  individual,  qualified   Example 26.   For 2021, you can choose a   less  than  the  amount  shown  on  the  Form
         long-term care services, and long-term care in-  $10,000 state income tax deduction or a $9,000   1099-G you received from the state.
         surance  contracts, see Long-Term Care Insur-  state general sales tax deduction. You choose   The balance ($100) of the $400 refund is for
         ance Contracts under Sickness and Injury Ben-  to deduct the state income tax. In 2022, you re-  your  January  2022  estimated  tax  payment.
         efits, earlier.                     ceive  a  $2,500  state  income  tax  refund.  The   When  you  figure  your  deduction  for  state  and
                                             maximum refund that you may have to include   local income taxes paid during 2022, you'll re-
         Exception.   The exclusion doesn't apply to any   in  income  is  $1,000,  because  you  could  have   duce the $1,000 paid in January by $100. Your
         amount  paid  to  a  person  (other  than  the  in-  deducted $9,000 in state general sales tax.  deduction for state and local income taxes paid
         sured) who has an insurable interest in the life                        during 2022 will include the January net amount
         of the insured because the insured:    Example 27.   For 2021, you can choose a   of  $900  ($1,000  −  $100),  plus  any  estimated
           • Is a director, officer, or employee of the   $9,500 state general sales tax deduction based   state income taxes paid in 2022 for 2022, and
             person; or                      on  actual  expenses  or  a  $9,200  state  income   any state income tax withheld during 2022.
           • Has a financial interest in the person's   tax  deduction.  You  choose  to  deduct  the  gen-
             business.                       eral sales tax deduction. In 2022, you return an   Joint state or local income tax return.  If you
                                             item  you  had  purchased  and  receive  a  $500   filed a joint state or local income tax return in an
         Form 8853.  To claim an exclusion for acceler-  sales  tax  refund.  In  2022,  you  also  receive  a   earlier  year  and  you  aren't  filing  a  joint  Form
         ated  death  benefits  made  on  a  per  diem  or   $1,500 state income tax refund. The maximum   1040  or  1040-SR  with  the  same  person  for
         other  periodic  basis,  you  must  file  Form  8853   refund that you may have to include in income   2022, any refund of a deduction claimed on that
         with  your  return.  You  don't  have  to  file  Form   is $500, because it's less than the excess of the   state or local income tax return must be alloca-
         8853  to  exclude  accelerated  death  benefits   tax  deducted  ($9,500)  over  the  tax  you  didn't   ted to the person that paid the expense. If both
         paid on the basis of actual expenses incurred.  choose to deduct ($9,200 − $1,500 = $7,700).   persons paid a portion of the expense, allocate
                                             Because you didn't choose to deduct the state   the refund based on your individual portion. For
                                             income tax, you don't include the state income   example, if you paid 25% of the expense, then
                                             tax refund in income.               you would use 25% of the refund to figure if you

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