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         earlier year is considered to have reduced your   If you had a net operating loss (NOL) in a prior   explain  the  tax  treatment  of  certain  payments
         tax in the earlier year. If the recovery is for an   year, you'll have to adjust your taxable income   made  to  survivors.  For  additional  information,
         itemized  deduction  claimed  in  a  year  in  which   for any NOL carryover. See Pub. 536 for more   see Pub. 559.
         the  deductions  were  limited,  see  Itemized  de-  information.
         ductions limited, earlier.                                              Lump-sum  payments.  Lump-sum  payments
            If  your  tax,  after  application  of  the  credits,   Unused tax credits.  If you recover an item de-  you receive from a decedent's employer as the
         doesn't  change,  you  didn't  have  a  tax  benefit   ducted in an earlier year in which you had un-  surviving spouse or beneficiary may be accrued
         from the deduction. Don’t include the recovery   used  tax  credits,  you  must  refigure  the  earlier   salary  payments;  distributions  from  employee
         in your income.                     year's tax to determine if you must include the   profit-sharing, pension, annuity, or stock bonus
                                             recovery  in  your  income.  To  do  this,  add  the   plans; or other items that should be treated sep-
            Example 35.   In 2021, you filed as head of   amount  of  the  recovery  to  your  earlier  year's   arately  for  tax  purposes.  The  tax  treatment  of
         household  and  itemized  your  deductions  on   taxable  income  and  refigure  the  tax  and  the   these lump-sum payments depends on the type
         Schedule A (Form 1040). Your taxable income   credits on the refigured amount. If the refigured   of payment.
         was  $5,260  and  your  tax  was  $528.  You   tax, after application of the credits, is more than
                                                                                    Salary  or  wages.    Salary  or  wages  re-
         claimed a child care credit of $1,200. The credit   the actual tax in the earlier year, include the re-  ceived after the death of the employee are usu-
         reduced  your  tax  to  zero,  and  you  had  an  un-  covery in your income up to the amount of the
         used  tax  credit  of  $672  ($1,200  −  $528).  In   deduction  that  reduced  the  tax  in  the  earlier   ally ordinary income to you.
         2022,  you  recovered  $1,000  of  your  itemized   year. For this purpose, any increase to a credit   Qualified  employee  retirement  plans.
         deductions. You reduce your 2021 itemized de-  carried  over  to  the  current  year  that  resulted   Lump-sum  distributions  from  qualified  em-
         ductions by $1,000 and refigure that year's tax   from  deducting  the  recovered  amount  in  the   ployee  retirement  plans  are  subject  to  special
         on  taxable  income  of  $6,260.  However,  the   earlier year is considered to have reduced your   tax treatment. For information on these distribu-
         child  care  credit  exceeds  the  refigured  tax  of   tax in the earlier year.  tions,  see  Pub.  575  (or  Pub.  721  if  you're  the
         $628. Your tax liability for 2021 isn't changed by   If  your  tax,  after  application  of  the  credits,   survivor of a federal employee or retiree).
         reducing your deductions by the recovery. You   doesn't  change,  you  didn't  have  a  tax  benefit
         didn't have a tax benefit from the recovered de-  from the deduction. Don’t include the recovery   Public  safety  officer  killed  in  the  line  of
         duction and don’t include any of the recovery in   in your income.      duty.  If you're a survivor of a public safety offi-
         your income for 2022.                                                   cer who was killed in the line of duty, you can
                                             Capital  gains.  If  you  determined  your  tax  in   exclude from income any amount received as a
         Subject  to  AMT.  If  you  were  subject  to  the   the  earlier  year  by  using  the  Schedule  D  Tax   survivor  annuity  on  account  of  the  death  of  a
         AMT in the year of the deduction, you'll have to   Worksheet, or the Qualified Dividends and Cap-  public safety officer killed in the line of duty.
         refigure  your  tax  for  the  earlier  year  to  deter-  ital Gain Tax Worksheet, and you receive a re-  For this purpose, the term “public safety offi-
         mine if the recovery must be included in your in-  fund in 2022 of a deduction claimed in that year,   cer” includes law enforcement officers, firefight-
         come. This will require a refiguring of your regu-  you'll  have  to  refigure  your  tax  for  the  earlier   ers,  chaplains,  and  rescue  squad  and  ambu-
         lar  tax,  as  shown  in  Example  35,  and  a   year to determine if the recovery must be inclu-  lance crew members. For more information, see
         refiguring of your AMT. If inclusion of the recov-  ded in your income. If inclusion of the recovery   Pub. 559.
         ery doesn't change your total tax, you don't in-  doesn't change your total tax, you don't include
         clude the recovery in your income. However, if   the  recovery  in  income.  However,  if  your  total
         your total tax increases by any amount, you re-  tax increases by any amount, you must include   Unemployment Benefits
         ceived a tax benefit from the deduction and you   the recovery in your income up to the amount of
         must include the recovery in your income up to   the deduction that reduced your tax in the ear-  The  tax  treatment  of  unemployment  benefits
         the amount of the deduction that reduced your   lier year.              you  receive  depends  on  the  type  of  program
         tax in the earlier year.                                                paying the benefits.
                                             Amounts Recovered for Credits
         Nonitemized Deduction                                                   Unemployment   compensation.  Generally,
                                                                                 you  must  include  in  income  all  unemployment
         Recoveries                          If  you  received  a  recovery  in  2022  for  an  item   compensation you receive. You should receive
                                             for which you claimed a tax credit in an earlier   a Form 1099-G showing in box 1 the total un-
         This  section  discusses  recovery  of  deductions   year,  you  must  increase  your  2021  tax  by  the
         other than itemized deductions.     amount  of  the  recovery,  up  to  the  amount  by   employment compensation paid to you. In most
                                                                                 cases, you enter unemployment compensation
                                             which the credit reduced your tax in the earlier
         Total  recovery  included  in  income.    If  you   year. You had a recovery if there was a down-  on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 7.
         recover an amount that you deducted in an ear-  ward price adjustment or similar adjustment on   If  you  received  unemployment  com-
         lier year when you were figuring your AGI, you   the item for which you claimed a credit.  !  pensation  but  didn't  receive  Form
         must generally include the full amount of the re-                        CAUTION  1099-G,  Certain  Government  Pay-
         covery in your income in the year received.  This  rule  doesn't  apply  to  the  investment   ments,  through  the  mail,  you  may  need  to  ac-
                                             credit  or  the  foreign  tax  credit.  Recoveries  of   cess your information through your state’s web-
         Total  recovery  not  included  in  income.    If   these credits are covered by other provisions of   site to get your electronic Form 1099-G.
         any part of the deduction you took for the recov-  the law. See Pub. 514 or Form 4255 for details.
         ered amount didn't reduce your tax, you may be                             Types  of  unemployment  compensation.
         able  to  exclude  at  least  part  of  the  recovery   Sharing/Gig Economy  Unemployment  compensation  generally  in-
         from your income. You must include the recov-                           cludes  any  amount  received  under  an  unem-
         ery in your income only up to the amount of the                         ployment  compensation  law  of  the  United
         deduction  that  reduced  your  tax  in  the  year  of   Generally, if you work in the gig economy or did   States  or  of  a  state.  It  includes  the  following
         the deduction. (See Tax benefit rule, earlier.)  gig work, you must include all income received   benefits.
                                             from  all  jobs  whether  you  received  a  Form
         Negative taxable income.   If your taxable in-  1099-K,  Payment  Card  and  Third-Party  Net-  • Benefits paid by a state or the District of
                                                                                     Columbia from the Federal Unemployment
         come for the prior year was a negative amount,   work Transactions, or not. See the Instructions   Trust Fund.
         the recovery you must include in income is re-  for  Schedule  C  (Form  1040)  and  the  Instruc-  • State unemployment insurance benefits.
         duced by that amount. You have a negative tax-  tions for Schedule SE (Form 1040).  • Railroad unemployment compensation
         able income for 2021 if your:                                               benefits.
           • Form 1040, the sum of lines 12c and 13,   Survivor Benefits           • Disability payments from a government
             was more than line 11; or                                               program paid as a substitute for unemploy-
           • Form 1040-NR, line 14, was more than   In most cases, payments made by or for an em-  ment compensation. (Amounts received as
             line 11.                        ployer because of an employee's death must be   workers' compensation for injuries or ill-
                                             included  in  income.  The  following  discussions   ness aren't unemployment compensation.
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