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            Benefits may affect your IRA deduction.   Don’t  include  alimony  payments  you   Carpools.  Don’t  include  in  your  income
         You must use the special worksheets in Appen-  !  receive  under  a  divorce  or  separation   amounts  you  receive  from  the  passengers  for
         dix B of Pub. 590-A to figure your taxable bene-  CAUTION  agreement (1) executed after 2018, or   driving  a  car  in  a  carpool  to  and  from  work.
         fits and your IRA deduction if all of the following   (2)  executed  before  2019  but  later  modified  if   These amounts are considered reimbursement
         conditions apply.                   the  modification  expressly  states  the  repeal  of   for  your  expenses.  However,  this  rule  doesn't
           • You receive social security or equivalent   the deduction for alimony payments applies to   apply  if  you  have  developed  carpool  arrange-
             railroad retirement benefits.   the modification.                   ments  into  a  profit-making  business  of  trans-
           • You have taxable compensation.                                      porting workers for hire.
           • You contribute to your IRA.     Below-market  loans.  A  below-market  loan  is
           • You or your spouse is covered by a retire-  a  loan  on  which  no  interest  is  charged  or  on   Cash rebates.  A cash rebate you receive from
             ment plan at work.              which the interest is charged at a rate below the   a  dealer  or  manufacturer  of  an  item  you  buy
            How to report.   If any of your benefits are   applicable  federal  rate.  If  you  make  a  be-  isn't income, but you must reduce your basis by
                                                                                 the amount of the rebate.
         taxable, you must use Form 1040 or 1040-SR to   low-market  gift  or  demand  loan,  you  must  in-
         report the taxable part. Report your net benefits   clude  the  forgone  interest  (at  the  federal  rate)   Example  36.    You  buy  a  new  car  for
         (as  shown  on  your  Forms  SSA-1099  and   as interest income on your return. These loans   $24,000  cash  and  receive  a  $2,000  rebate
         RRB-1099)  on  line  6a  of  Form  1040  or   are considered a transaction in which you, the   check from the manufacturer. The $2,000 isn't
         1040-SR. Report the taxable part on line 6b of   lender, are treated as having made:  income to you. Your basis in the car is $22,000.
         Form 1040 or 1040-SR. If you elect to use the   • A loan to the borrower in exchange for a   This  is  the  basis  on  which  you  figure  gain  or
         lump-sum  election  method,  check  the  box  on   note that requires the payment of interest   loss if you sell the car, and figure depreciation if
         line 6c of Form 1040 or 1040-SR and see the   at the applicable federal rate; and  you use it for business.
         instructions.                         • An additional payment to the borrower,
                                                 which the borrower transfers back to you   Casualty  insurance  and  other  reimburse-
         Nutrition Program for the Elderly.  Food ben-  as interest.             ments.  You generally shouldn't report these re-
         efits you receive under the Nutrition Program for   Depending  on  the  transaction,  the  additional   imbursements on your return unless you're fig-
         the  Elderly  aren't  taxable.  If  you  prepare  and   payment to the borrower is treated as a:  uring gain or loss from the casualty or theft. See
         serve  free  meals  for  the  program,  include  in   • Gift,           Pub. 547.
         your  income  as  wages  the  cash  pay  you  re-  • Dividend,
         ceive, even if you're also eligible for food bene-  • Contribution to capital,  Charitable gift annuities.  If you're the benefi-
         fits.                                 • Payment of compensation, or     ciary  of  a  charitable  gift  annuity,  you  must  in-

         Payments to reduce cost of winter energy.   • Another type of payment.  clude  the  yearly  annuity  or  fixed  percentage
                                                                                 payment in your income.
         Payments made by a state to qualified people   The borrower may have to report this payment   The  payer  will  report  the  types  of  income
         to reduce their cost of winter energy use aren't   as income, depending on its classification.  you received on Form 1099-R. Report the gross
         taxable.                               For  more  information  on  below-market   distribution  from  box  1  on  Form  1040  or
                                             loans, see chapter 1 of Pub. 550.   1040-SR, line 5a, and the part taxed as ordinary
         Other Income                        Bribes.  If you receive a bribe, include it in your   income (box 2a minus box 3) on Form 1040 or
                                             income.                             1040-SR,  line  5b.  Report  the  portion  taxed  as
         The following brief discussions are arranged in                         capital gain as explained in the Instructions for
         alphabetical  order.  Other  income  items  briefly   Campaign  contributions.  These  contribu-  Schedule D (Form 1040).
         discussed below are referenced to publications   tions  aren't  income  to  a  candidate  unless
         that provide more information.      they're diverted to the candidate’s personal use.   Child  support  payments.  You  shouldn't  re-
                                             To be exempt from tax, the contributions must   port  these  payments  on  your  return.  See  Pub.
         Activity  not  for  profit.  You  must  include  on   be  spent  for  campaign  purposes  or  kept  in  a   504 for more information.
         your return income from an activity from which   fund for use in future campaigns. However, in-  Court awards and damages.  To determine if
         you don't expect to make a profit. An example   terest  earned  on  bank  deposits,  dividends  re-
         of this type of activity is a hobby or a farm you   ceived on contributed securities, and net gains   settlement amounts you receive by compromise
                                                                                 or  judgment  must  be  included  in  your  income,
         operate mostly for recreation and pleasure. En-  realized  on  sales  of  contributed  securities  are
         ter  this  income  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),   taxable  and  must  be  reported  on  Form   you must consider the item that the settlement
                                                                                 replaces. The character of the income as ordi-
         line 8j. Deductions for expenses related to the   1120-POL. Excess campaign funds transferred
         activity  are  limited.  They  can't  total  more  than   to an office account must be included in the of-  nary income or capital gain depends on the na-
                                                                                 ture of the underlying claim. Include the follow-
         the income you report and can be taken only if   ficeholder's  income  on  Schedule  1  (Form
         you  itemize  deductions  on  Schedule  A  (Form   1040), line 8z, in the year transferred.  ing as ordinary income.
         1040). See Not-for-Profit Activities in chapter 1                         1. Interest on any award.
         of Pub. 535 for information on whether an activ-  Canceled sales contract.  If you sell property   2. Compensation for lost wages or lost profits
         ity is considered carried on for a profit.  (such as land or a residence) under a contract,
                                             but the contract is canceled and you return the   in most cases.
         Alaska Permanent Fund dividend.  If you re-  buyer's money in the same tax year as the origi-  3. Punitive damages in most cases. It doesn't
         ceived a payment from Alaska's mineral income   nal sale, you have no income from the sale. If   matter if they relate to a physical injury or
         fund (Alaska Permanent Fund dividend), report   the contract is canceled and you return the buy-  physical sickness.
         it  as  income  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),   er's money in a later tax year, you must include
         line 8g. The state of Alaska sends each recipi-  your gain in your income for the year of the sale.   4. Amounts received in settlement of pension
         ent  a  document  that  shows  the  amount  of  the   When you return the money and take back the   rights (if you didn't contribute to the plan).
         payment with the check. The amount is also re-  property in the later year, you treat the transac-  5. Damages for:
         ported to the IRS.                  tion as a purchase that gives you a new basis in
                                             the property equal to the funds you return to the   a. Patent or copyright infringement,
         Alimony.  Include in your income on Schedule   buyer.                        b. Breach of contract, or
         1  (Form  1040),  line  2a,  any  taxable  alimony   Special  rules  apply  to  the  reacquisition  of
         payments you receive. Amounts you receive for   real  property  where  a  secured  indebtedness   c. Interference with business operations.
         child  support  aren't  income  to  you.  For  com-  (mortgage) to the original seller is involved. For   6. Back pay and damages for emotional dis-
         plete information, see Pub. 504 and the Instruc-  further  information,  see  Repossession  in  Pub.   tress received to satisfy a claim under title
         tions for Forms 1040 and 1040-SR.   537.                                    VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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