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           7. Attorney fees and costs (including contin-  Down payment assistance.   If you purchase   Losses.   Losses of estates and trusts gen-
             gent fees) where the underlying recovery   a home and receive assistance from a nonprofit   erally aren't deductible by the beneficiaries.
             is included in gross income.    corporation to make the down payment, that as-  Grantor trust.  Income earned by a grantor
           8. Attorney fees and costs relating to whistle-  sistance isn't included in your income. If the cor-  trust  is  taxable  to  the  grantor,  not  the  benefi-
             blower awards where the underlying re-  poration qualifies as a tax-exempt charitable or-  ciary,  if  the  grantor  keeps  certain  control  over
                                             ganization,  the  assistance  is  treated  as  a  gift
             covery is included in gross income.  and is included in your basis of the house. If the   the trust. (The grantor is the one who transfer-
            Don’t include in your income compensatory   corporation  doesn't  qualify,  the  assistance  is   red property to the trust.) This rule applies if the
         damages  for  personal  physical  injury  or  physi-  treated as a rebate or reduction of the purchase   property (or income from the property) put into
         cal sickness (whether received in a lump sum or   price and isn't included in your basis.  the trust will or may revert (be returned) to the
                                                                                 grantor or the grantor's spouse.
         installments).                                                             Generally,  a  trust  is  a  grantor  trust  if  the
            Emotional  distress.  Emotional  distress  it-  Employment  agency  fees.  If  you  get  a  job   grantor  has  a  reversionary  interest  valued  (at
                                             through an employment agency, and the fee is
         self isn't a physical injury or physical sickness,   paid by your employer, the fee isn't includible in   the  date  of  transfer)  at  more  than  5%  of  the
         but damages you receive for emotional distress   your income if you aren't liable for it. However, if   value of the transferred property, or has certain
         due to a physical injury or sickness are treated   you  pay  it  and  your  employer  reimburses  you   other powers.
         as received for the physical injury or sickness.   for it, it’s includible in your income.
         Don’t include them in your income.                                      Expenses  paid  by  another.  If  your  personal
            If the emotional distress is due to a personal   Energy conservation subsidies.  You can ex-  expenses are paid for by another person, such
         injury that isn't due to a physical injury or sick-  clude from gross income any subsidy provided,   as a corporation, the payment may be taxable
         ness (for example, unlawful discrimination or in-  either directly or indirectly, by public utilities for   to  you  depending  upon  your  relationship  with
         jury  to  reputation),  you  must  include  the  dam-  the  purchase  or  installation  of  an  energy  con-  that person and the nature of the payment. But
         ages  in  your  income,  except  for  any  damages   servation measure for a dwelling unit.  if the payment makes up for a loss caused by
         you  receive  for  medical  care  due  to  that  emo-                   that person, and only restores you to the posi-
         tional  distress.  Emotional  distress  includes   Energy  conservation  measure.    This  in-  tion  you  were  in  before  the  loss,  the  payment
         physical  symptoms  that  result  from  emotional   cludes installations or modifications that are pri-  isn't includible in your income.
         distress,  such  as  headaches,  insomnia,  and   marily designed to reduce consumption of elec-
         stomach disorders.                  tricity  or  natural  gas,  or  improve  the   Exxon Valdez settlement income.  Include in
                                             management of energy demand.        your  income  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),
            Deduction for costs involved in unlawful                             line 8z, any qualified settlement income you re-
         discrimination suits.  You may be able to de-  Dwelling  unit.    This  includes  a  house,   ceive  as  a  qualified  taxpayer.  See  Statement,
         duct  attorney  fees  and  court  costs  paid  to  re-  apartment,  condominium,  mobile  home,  boat,   later.  Qualified  settlement  income  is  any  inter-
         cover  a  judgment  or  settlement  for  a  claim  of   or similar property. If a building or structure con-  est and punitive damage awards that are:
         unlawful discrimination under various provisions   tains both dwelling and other units, any subsidy   • Otherwise includible in taxable income,
         of federal, state, and local law listed in section   must be properly allocated.  and
         62(e), a claim against the U.S. Government, or                            • Received in connection with the civil action
         a claim under section 1862(b)(3)(A) of the So-  Estate  and  trust  income.  An  estate  or  trust,   In re Exxon Valdez, No. 89-095-CV (HRH)
         cial Security Act. You can claim this deduction   unlike a partnership, may have to pay federal in-  (Consolidated) (D. Alaska).
         as  an  adjustment  to  income  on  Schedule  1   come tax. If you're a beneficiary of an estate or
         (Form  1040),  line  24h.  The  following  rules  ap-  trust, you may be taxed on your share of its in-  You're  a  qualified  taxpayer  if  you  were  a
         ply.                                come distributed or required to be distributed to   plaintiff  in  the  civil  action  mentioned  earlier  or
                                                                                 you  were  a  beneficiary  of  the  estate  of  your
           • The attorney fees and court costs may be   you. However, there is never a double tax. Es-
             paid by you or on your behalf in connection   tates and trusts file their returns on Form 1041,   spouse  or  a  close  relative  who  was  such  a
             with the claim for unlawful discrimination,   and your share of the income is reported to you   plaintiff and from whom you acquired the right
             the claim against the U.S. Government, or   on Schedule K-1 (Form 1041).  to receive qualified settlement income.
             the claim under section 1862(b)(3)(A) of   Current  income  required  to  be  distrib-  The income can be received as a lump sum
             the Social Security Act.        uted.   If you're the beneficiary of an estate or   or as periodic payments. You'll receive a Form
           • The deduction you're claiming can't be   trust  that  must  distribute  all  of  its  current  in-  1099-MISC  showing  the  gross  amount  of  the
             more than the amount of the judgment or   come, you must report your share of the distrib-  settlement income paid to you in the tax year.
             settlement you're including in income for   utable net income, whether or not you actually   Contributions to eligible retirement plan.
             the tax year.                   received it.                        If you're a qualified taxpayer, you can contribute
           • The judgment or settlement to which your                            all  or  part  of  your  qualified  settlement  income,
             attorney fees and court costs apply must   Current  income  not  required  to  be  dis-  up  to  $100,000,  to  an  eligible  retirement  plan,
             occur after October 22, 2004.   tributed.   If you're the beneficiary of an estate   including an IRA. Contributions to eligible retire-
                                             or  trust  and  the  fiduciary  has  the  choice  of
            Pre-existing  agreement.    If  you  receive   whether to distribute all or part of the current in-  ment plans, other than a Roth IRA or a designa-
         damages  under  a  written  binding  agreement,   come,  you  must  report  all  income  that  is  re-  ted  Roth  account,  reduce  the  qualified  settle-
         court decree, or mediation award that was in ef-  quired to be distributed to you, whether or not   ment income that you must include in income.
         fect  (or  issued  on  or  before)  September  13,   it's  actually  distributed,  plus  all  other  amounts   See  Statement,  later.  For  more  information  on
         1995, don't include in income any of those dam-  actually  paid  or  credited  to  you,  up  to  the   these contributions, see Pubs. 575 and 590-A.
         ages received on account of personal injuries or   amount  of  your  share  of  distributable  net  in-  Legal expenses.  For tax years after 2017,
         sickness.                           come.                               you  can  no  longer  deduct  legal  expenses  that
                                                                                 were  subject  to  the  2%-of-adjusted-gross-in-
         Credit  card  insurance.  In  most  cases,  if  you   How to report.   Treat each item of income   come  floor.  If  the  qualified  settlement  income
         receive benefits under a credit card disability or   the same way that the estate or trust would treat   was  received  in  connection  with  your  trade  or
         unemployment insurance plan, the benefits are   it.  For  example,  if  a  trust's  dividend  income  is   business (other than as an employee), you can
         taxable to you. These plans make the minimum   distributed to you, you report the distribution as   reduce  the  taxable  amount  of  qualified  settle-
         monthly payment on your credit card account if   dividend income on your return. The same rule   ment income by these expenses.
         you  can't  make  the  payment  due  to  injury,  ill-  applies  to  distributions  of  tax-exempt  interest
         ness,  disability,  or  unemployment.  Report  on   and capital gains.     Statement.  If  you  report  on  Schedule  1
         Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, the amount of   The fiduciary of the estate or trust must tell   (Form  1040),  line  8z,  qualified  settlement  in-
         benefits  you  received  during  the  year  that  is   you the type of items making up your share of   come that is less than the gross amount shown
         more than the amount of the premiums you paid   the estate or trust income and any credits you're   on Form 1099-MISC, you must attach a state-
         during the year.                    allowed on your individual income tax return.  ment  to  your  tax  return.  The  statement  must
                                                                                 identify  and  show  the  gross  amount  of  the

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