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         These  allowances  aren't  considered  scholar-  The amount of the rate reduction or nonrefund-  Method 1.   Figure your tax for the year of
         ship or fellowship grants.          able credit isn't included in your income.  repayment  claiming  a  deduction  for  the  repaid
            Prizes.  Scholarship prizes won in a contest   Whistleblower's award.  If you receive a whis-  amount.
         aren't  scholarships  or  fellowships  if  you  don't   tleblower's  award  from  the  IRS,  you  must  in-  Method 2.   Figure your tax for the year of
         have  to  use  the  prizes  for  educational  purpo-  clude it in your income. Any deduction allowed   repayment  claiming  a  credit  for  the  repaid
         ses. You must include these amounts in your in-  for attorney fees and court costs paid by you, or   amount. Follow these steps.
         come  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040),  line  8i,   on your behalf, in connection with the award are   1. Figure your tax for the year of repayment
         whether or not you use the amounts for educa-  deducted as an adjustment to income, but can't   without deducting the repaid amount.
         tional purposes.                    be more than the amount included in income for
                                             the tax year.                         2. Refigure your tax from the earlier year
         Smallpox  vaccine  injuries.  If  you're  an  eligi-                        without including in income the amount
         ble  individual  who  receives  benefits  under  the                        you repaid in the year of repayment.
         Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act   Repayments
         of  2003  for  a  covered  injury  resulting  from  a                     3. Subtract the tax in (2) from the tax shown
         covered countermeasure, you can exclude the                                 on your return for the earlier year. This is
         payment from your income (to the extent it isn't   If you had to repay an amount that you included   the credit.
         allowed  as  a  medical  and  dental  expense  de-  in  your  income  in  an  earlier  year,  you  may  be   4. Subtract the answer in (3) from the tax for
         duction  on  Schedule  A  (Form  1040)).  Eligible   able to deduct the amount repaid from your in-  the year of repayment figured without the
         individuals  include  health  care  workers,  emer-  come for the year in which you repaid it. Or, if   deduction (step 1).
         gency  personnel,  and  first  responders  in  a   the amount you repaid is more than $3,000, you
         smallpox  emergency  who  have  received  a   may be able to take a credit against your tax for   If  method  1  results  in  less  tax,  deduct  the
         smallpox vaccination.               the year in which you repaid it. In most cases,   amount repaid. If method 2 results in less tax,
                                             you can claim a deduction or credit only if the   claim  the  credit  figured  in  (3)  above  on  Form
         Stolen  property.  If  you  steal  property,  you   repayment  qualifies  as  an  expense  or  loss  in-  1040  or  1040-SR.  (If  the  year  of  repayment  is
         must report its FMV in your income in the year   curred in your trade or business or in a for-profit   2021,  and  you're  taking  the  credit,  enter  the
         you steal it, unless in the same year you return it   transaction.      credit on Schedule 3 (Form 1040), line 13d, and
         to its rightful owner.                                                  see the instructions for it.)
                                             Type  of  deduction.    The  type  of  deduction
         Transporting  school  children.  Don’t  include   you're  allowed  in  the  year  of  repayment  de-  Example  40.    For  2021,  you  filed  a  return
         in  your  income  a  school  board  mileage  allow-  pends on the type of income you included in the   and reported your income on the cash method.
         ance  for  taking  children  to  and  from  school  if   earlier year. In most cases, you deduct the re-  In  2022,  you  repaid  $5,000  included  in  your
         you aren't in the business of taking children to   payment  on  the  same  form  or  schedule  on   2021 income under a claim of right. Your filing
         school.  You  can't  deduct  expenses  for  provid-  which you previously reported it as income. For   status in 2022 and 2021 is single. Your income
         ing this transportation.            example, if you reported it as self-employment   and tax for both years are as follows.
                                             income,  deduct  it  as  a  business  expense  on
         Union benefits and dues.  Amounts deducted   Schedule C (Form 1040) or Schedule F (Form    2021
         from  your  pay  for  union  dues,  assessments,   1040).  If  you  reported  it  as  a  capital  gain,  de-   With Income   Without Income
         contributions,  or  other  payments  to  a  union   duct it as a capital loss as explained in the In-  Taxable
         can't be excluded from your income.  structions  for  Schedule  D  (Form  1040).  If  you   Income   $15,000   $10,000
            For tax years beginning after 2017, you can   reported  it  as  wages,  unemployment  compen-  Tax  $1,604   $1,004
         no longer deduct job-related expenses or other   sation, or other nonbusiness income, you may
         miscellaneous  itemized  deductions  subject  to   be able to deduct it as an other itemized deduc-  2022
         the 2%-of-adjusted-gross-income floor.  tion if the amount repaid is over $3,000.  Without Deduction  With Deduction
            Strike and lockout benefits.  Benefits paid   For tax years beginning after 2017, you   Taxable   $49,950   $44,950
         to you by a union as strike or lockout benefits,   !  can no longer claim any miscellaneous
                                                   itemized deductions; so, if the amount
         including both cash and the FMV of other prop-  repaid  was  $3,000  or  less,  you  aren’t  able  to   Tax  $6,606  $5,506
         erty,  are  usually  included  in  your  income  as                        Your tax under method 1 is $5,506. Your tax
         compensation. You can exclude these benefits   deduct it from your income in the year you re-  under method 2 is $6,006, figured as follows.
                                             paid it.
         from  your  income  only  when  the  facts  clearly
         show  that  the  union  intended  them  as  gifts  to
         you.                                Repaid  social  security  benefits.    If  you  re-  Tax previously determined for 2021  .  .  .  .  .  .  $1,604
                                             paid social security or equivalent railroad retire-  Less: Tax as refigured  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  − 1,004
            Reimbursed  union  convention  expen-  ment benefits, see Pub. 915.   Decrease in 2021 tax .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $ 600
         ses.  If  you're  a  delegate  of  your  local  union
         chapter  and  you  attend  the  annual  convention   Repayment  over  $3,000.    If  the  amount  you   Regular tax liability for 2022 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $6,606
         of the international union, don't include in your   repaid was more than $3,000, you can deduct   Less: Decrease in 2021 tax  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  − 600
         income  amounts  you  receive  from  the  interna-  the  repayment  as  an  other  itemized  deduction   Refigured tax for 2022 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $6,006
         tional  union  to  reimburse  you  for  expenses  of   on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 16, if you in-
         traveling away from home to attend the conven-  cluded the income under a claim of right. This   You pay less tax using method 1, so you should
         tion.  You  can't  deduct  the  reimbursed  expen-  means that at the time you included the income,   take a deduction for the repayment in 2022.
         ses, even if you're reimbursed in a later year. If   it appeared that you had an unrestricted right to
         you're  reimbursed  for  lost  salary,  you  must  in-  it. However, you can choose to take a credit for   Repaid  wages  subject  to  social  security
         clude that reimbursement in your income.  the  year  of  repayment.  Figure  your  tax  under   and Medicare taxes.   If you had to repay an
                                             both methods and compare the results. Use the   amount that you included in your wages or com-
         Utility rebates.  If you're a customer of an elec-  method (deduction or credit) that results in less   pensation in an earlier year on which social se-
         tric  utility  company  and  you  participate  in  the   tax.           curity,  Medicare,  or  tier  1  RRTA  taxes  were
         utility's energy conservation program, you may                          paid,  ask  your  employer  to  refund  the  excess
         receive on your monthly electric bill either:  When determining whether the amount   amount to you. If the employer refuses to refund
           • A reduction in the purchase price of elec-  !  you repaid was less than $3,000, con-  the  taxes,  ask  for  a  statement  indicating  the
             tricity furnished to you (rate reduction), or  CAUTION  sider the total amount being repaid on   amount  of  the  overcollection  to  support  your
           • A nonrefundable credit against the pur-  the  return.  Each  instance  of  repayment  isn't   claim. File a claim for refund using Form 843.
             chase price of the electricity.  considered separately.

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