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         charitable  contribution  deduction  to  charity  X   c. Preferred access to goods or serv-  Expenses Paid for Student
         can’t  exceed  $300  ($1,000  donation  -  $700   ices, and             Living With You
         state  tax  credit).  The  reduction  applies  even  if   d. Discounts on the purchase of goods
         you can’t claim the state tax credit for that year.   and services.     You may be able to deduct some expenses of
         Your deductible charitable contribution to char-                        having a student live with you. You can deduct
         ity  X  is  $300.  Your  total  contributions  may  still   But,  item  (1)  doesn’t  include  rights  to   qualifying  expenses  for  a  foreign  or  American
         be subject to limitations. See Limits on Deduc-  purchase tickets for seating at an athletic   student who:
         tions, later.                           event in an athletic stadium of a college or
                                                 university  as  a  result  of  a  contribution  to   1. Lives in your home under a written agree-
            Example 2.   You donate a painting to char-  such institution.           ment between you and a qualified organi-
         ity Y, a qualified organization. At the time of the                         zation (defined later) as part of a program
         donation, the painting has a FMV of $100,000.   2. Admission, while you are a member, to   of the organization to provide educational
         In return for the painting, you receive or expect   events open only to members of the or-  opportunities for the student,
         to receive a state tax credit of 10% of the FMV   ganization if the organization reasonably
         of the painting. The state tax credit is $10,000   projects that the cost per person (exclud-  2. Isn't your relative (defined later) or de-
                                                                                     pendent (also defined later), and
         (10%  of  $100,000).  The  amount  of  your  state   ing any allocated overhead) isn't more
         tax credit does not exceed 15% of the FMV of   than $11.70.               3. Is a full-time student in the twelfth or any
         the painting. As a result, your charitable contri-                          lower grade at a school in the United
         bution  deduction  to  charity  Y  is  not  reduced.                        States.
         Your deductible charitable contribution for your   Token items.   You don't have to reduce your
         noncash  contribution  to  charity  Y  is  $100,000.   contribution by the value of any benefit you re-  You can deduct up to $50 a month for
         However,  your  total  contributions  may  still  be   ceive if both of the following are true.  TIP  each  full  calendar  month  the  student
         subject to limitations. See Limits on Deductions,                             lives with you. Any month when condi-
         later.                                1. You receive only a small item or other ben-  tions (1) through (3) are met for 15 or more days
                                                 efit of token value.            counts as a full month.
         State or local tax deduction.   If you make a   2. The qualified organization correctly deter-
         payment  or  transfer  property  to  a  qualified  or-  mines that the value of the item or benefit   Qualified organization.   For these purposes,
         ganization  and  receive  or  expect  to  receive  a   you received isn't substantial and informs   a  qualified  organization  can  be  any  of  the  or-
         state  or  local  tax  deduction  in  return,  then  the   you that you can deduct your payment in   ganizations  described  earlier  under  Types  of
         amount  of  your  charitable  contribution  deduc-  full.               Qualified Organizations, except those in (4) and
         tion  to  the  organization  may  be  reduced  in                       (5).  For  example,  if  you  are  providing  a  home
         some circumstances. If the amount of the state   The organization determines whether the value   for a student as part of a state or local govern-
         or  local  tax  deduction  exceeds  the  amount  of   of an item or benefit is substantial by using Rev-  ment program, you can't deduct your expenses
         your cash contribution or the FMV of the trans-  enue Procedures 90-12 and 92–49 and the in-  as charitable contributions. But see Foster pa-
         ferred  property,  then  your  charitable  contribu-  flation  adjustment  in  Revenue  Procedure   rents  under  Out-of-Pocket  Expenses  in  Giving
         tion  deduction  is  reduced.  However,  if  the   2021-45.             Services,  later,  if  you  provide  the  home  as  a
         amount  of  the  state  or  local  tax  deduction                       foster parent.
         doesn’t exceed the amount of your payment or   Written  statement.    A  qualified  organization
         the FMV of the transferred property, then no re-  must give you a written statement if you make a   Relative.   The term “relative” means any of the
         duction is necessary.               payment of more than $75 that is partly a contri-  following persons.
                                             bution  and  partly  for  goods  or  services.  The   • Your child, stepchild, foster child, or a de-
            Example 1.   You make a cash contribution   statement  must  say  you  can  deduct  only  the   scendant of any of them (for example, your
         of $1,000 to charity Z, a qualified organization.   amount of your payment that is more than the   grandchild). A legally adopted child is con-
         Under  state  law,  you  are  entitled  to  receive  a   value of the goods or services you received. It   sidered your child.
         state tax deduction of $1,000 in return for your   must also give you a good faith estimate of the   • Your brother, sister, half brother, half sis-
         payment. The amount of your charitable contri-  value of those goods or services.  ter, stepbrother, or stepsister.
         bution deduction to charity Z isn’t reduced. Your   The organization can give you the statement   • Your father, mother, grandparent, or other
         charitable contribution deduction to charity Z is   either  when  it  solicits  or  when  it  receives  the   direct ancestor.
         $1,000.  However,  your  total  contributions  may   payment from you.    • Your stepfather or stepmother.
         still be subject to limitations. See Limits on De-                        • A son or daughter of your brother or sister.
         ductions, later.                       Exception.    An organization won't have  to   • A brother or sister of your father or mother.
                                             give you this statement if one of the following is   • Your son-in-law, daughter-in-law, fa-
         Membership fees or dues.  You may be able   true.                           ther-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law,
         to deduct membership fees or dues you pay to   1. The organization is:      or sister-in-law.
         a qualified organization. However, you can de-
         duct only the amount that is more than the value   a. A governmental organization descri-  Dependent.    For  this  purpose,  the  term  “de-
         of the benefits you receive.               bed in (5) under Types of Qualified   pendent” means:
            You  can't  deduct  dues,  fees,  or  assess-  Organizations, earlier, or
         ments paid to country clubs and other social or-  b. An organization formed only for reli-  1. A person you can claim as a dependent,
         ganizations. They aren't qualified organizations.  gious purposes, and the only benefit
            Certain membership benefits can be dis-  you receive is an intangible religious   2. A person you could have claimed as a de-
                                                                                     pendent except that:
         regarded.   Both you and the organization can   benefit (such as admission to a reli-
                                                    gious ceremony) that generally isn't
         disregard  the  following  membership  benefits  if                          a. He or she received gross income of
         you get them in return for an annual payment of   sold in commercial transactions out-  $4,400 or more;
                                                    side the donative context.
         $75 or less.                                                                 b. He or she filed a joint return; or
           1. Any rights or privileges that you can use   2. You receive only items whose value isn't   c. You, or your spouse if filing jointly,
             frequently while you are a member, such   substantial, as described under Token   could be claimed as a dependent on
             as:                                 items, earlier.                        someone else's 2022 return.
              a. Free or discounted admission to the   3. You receive only membership benefits that
                                                 can be disregarded, as described under
                organization's facilities or events,  Membership fees or dues, earlier.
              b. Free or discounted parking,

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