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         Table 2.  Volunteers' Questions and Answers                                      13:22 - 13-Feb-2023
                 If you volunteer for a qualified organization, the following questions and answers may apply to you. All of the
                 rules explained in this publication also apply. See, in particular, Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Giving Services.

                                 Question                                             Answer
          I volunteer 6 hours a week in the office of a qualified organization. The receptionist is paid   No, you can't deduct the value of your time or services.
          $10 an hour for the same work. Can I deduct $60 a week for my time?
          The office is 30 miles from my home. Can I deduct any of my car expenses for these trips?  Yes, you can deduct the costs of gas and oil that are directly related to
                                                               getting to and from the place where you volunteer. If you don't
                                                               want to figure your actual costs, you can deduct 14 cents for each
          I volunteer as a Red Cross nurse's aide at a hospital. Can I deduct the cost of the uniforms I  Yes, you can deduct the cost of buying and cleaning your uniforms if
          must wear?                                           the hospital is a qualified organization, the uniforms aren't suitable for
                                                               everyday use, and you must wear them when volunteering.
          I pay a babysitter to watch my children while I volunteer for a qualified organization. Can I   No, you can't deduct payments for childcare expenses as a
          deduct these costs?                                  charitable contribution, even if you would be unable to volunteer without childcare. (If you
                                                               have childcare expenses so you can work for pay, see Pub. 503, Child and Dependent
                                                               Care Expenses.)

               Foreign students brought to this coun-  • Directly connected with the services;  1. They are unreimbursed out-of-pocket ex-
          TIP  try under a qualified international edu-  • Expenses you had only because of the   penses to feed, clothe, and care for the
               cation  exchange  program  and  placed   services you gave; and       foster child.
         in American homes for a temporary period gen-  • Not personal, living, or family expenses.
         erally aren't U.S. residents and can't be claimed                         2. They are incurred primarily to benefit the
                                                                                     qualified organization.
         as dependents.                         Table  2  contains  questions  and  answers
                                             that  apply  to  some  individuals  who  volunteer   Unreimbursed  expenses  that  you  can't  de-
         Qualifying expenses.   You may be able to de-  their services.          duct as charitable contributions may be consid-
         duct  the  cost  of  books,  tuition,  food,  clothing,                 ered  support  provided  by  you  in  determining
         transportation,  medical and dental care, enter-  Underprivileged youths selected by charity.   whether you can claim the foster child as a de-
                                             You  can  deduct  reasonable  unreimbursed
         tainment,  and  other  amounts  you  actually                           pendent.  For  details,  see  Pub.  501,  Depend-
         spend for the well-being of the student.  out-of-pocket expenses you pay to allow under-  ents,  Standard  Deduction,  and  Filing  Informa-
                                             privileged youths to attend athletic events, mov-  tion.
         Expenses  that  don't  qualify.    You  can't  de-  ies, or dinners. The youths must be selected by
         duct  depreciation  on  your  home,  the  FMV  of   a  charitable  organization  whose  goal  is  to  re-  Example.   You cared for a foster child be-
         lodging,  and  similar  items  not  considered   duce juvenile delinquency. Your own similar ex-  cause  you  wanted  to  adopt  her,  not  to  benefit
         amounts actually spent by you. Nor can you de-  penses in accompanying the youths aren't de-  the agency that placed her in your home. Your
         duct  general  household  expenses,  such  as   ductible.               unreimbursed  expenses  aren't  deductible  as
         taxes, insurance, and repairs.                                          charitable contributions.
                                             Conventions.  If  a  qualified  organization  se-
            Reimbursed  expenses.    In  most  cases,   lects you to attend a convention as its represen-  Church deacon.  You can deduct as a charita-
         you can't claim a charitable contribution deduc-  tative,  you  can  deduct  your  unreimbursed  ex-  ble  contribution  any  unreimbursed  expenses
         tion  if  you  are  compensated  or  reimbursed  for   penses   for   travel,   including   reasonable   you  have  while  in  a  permanent  diaconate  pro-
         any  part  of  the  costs  of  having  a  student  live   amounts  for  meals  and  lodging,  while  away   gram established by your church. These expen-
         with you. However, you may be able to claim a   from  home  overnight  for  the  convention.  How-  ses include the cost of vestments, books, and
         charitable contribution deduction for the unreim-  ever, see Travel, later.  transportation required in order to serve in the
         bursed portion of your expenses if you are reim-  You  can't  deduct  personal  expenses  for   program as either a deacon candidate or an or-
         bursed  only  for  an  extraordinary  or  one-time   sightseeing,  fishing  parties,  theater  tickets,  or   dained deacon.
         item, such as a hospital bill or vacation trip, you   nightclubs. You also can't deduct travel, meals
         paid in advance at the request of the student's   and  lodging,  and  other  expenses  for  your   Car expenses.  You can deduct as a charitable
         parents or the sponsoring organization.  spouse or children.            contribution  any  unreimbursed  out-of-pocket
                                                You can't deduct your travel expenses in at-  expenses, such as the cost of gas and oil, di-
            Mutual exchange program.  You can't de-                              rectly  related  to  the  use  of  your  car  in  giving
         duct the costs of a foreign student living in your   tending a church convention if you go only as a   services to a charitable organization. You can't
                                             member of your church rather than as a chosen
         home  under  a  mutual  exchange  program   representative. You can, however, deduct unre-  deduct general repair and maintenance expen-
         through which your child will live with a family in   imbursed expenses that are directly connected   ses, depreciation, registration fees, or the costs
         a foreign country.                  with giving services for your church during the   of tires or insurance.
         Reporting  expenses.    For  a  list  of  what  you   convention.          If  you  don't  want  to  deduct  your  actual  ex-
         must file with your return if you deduct expen-  Uniforms.  You  can  deduct  the  cost  and  up-  penses, you can use a standard mileage rate of
         ses for a student living with you, see Reporting   keep of uniforms that aren't suitable for every-  14 cents a mile to figure your contribution.
         expenses for student living with you under How   day use and that you must wear while perform-  You  can  deduct  parking  fees  and  tolls
         To Report, later.                   ing   donated   services   for   a   qualified   whether  you  use  your  actual  expenses  or  the
                                                                                 standard mileage rate.
                                                                                    You  must  keep  reliable  written  records  of
         Out-of-Pocket Expenses in           organization.                       your  car  expenses.  For  more  information,  see
         Giving Services                     Foster parents.  You may be able to deduct as   Car  expenses  under  Substantiation  Require-
                                             a  charitable  contribution  some  of  the  costs  of   ments, later.
                                             being  a  foster  parent  (foster  care  provider)  if
            Although you can't deduct the value of your   you have no profit motive in providing the foster   Travel.  Generally,  you  can  claim  a  charitable
         services  given  to  a  qualified  organization,  you   care and aren't, in fact, making a profit. A quali-  contribution deduction for travel expenses nec-
         may be able to deduct some amounts you pay   fied organization must select the individuals you   essarily incurred while you are away from home
         in  giving  services  to  a  qualified  organization.   take into your home for foster care.  performing services for a qualified organization
         The amounts must be:                   You can deduct expenses that meet both of   only  if  there  is  no  significant  element  of
           • Unreimbursed;                   the following requirements.
         Publication 526 (2022)                                                                                Page 5
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