Page 12 - IRS Employer Tax Guide
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            Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of   • Attestation of involuntary termination, including the
         2009  (ARRA),  employers  are  allowed  a  credit  against   date of the involuntary termination for each covered
         “payroll taxes” (referred to in this publication as “employ-  employee whose involuntary termination is the basis
         ment taxes”) for providing COBRA premium assistance to    for eligibility for the subsidy.
         assistance-eligible  individuals.  For  periods  of  COBRA   • Proof of each assistance-eligible individual's eligibility
         continuation coverage beginning after February 16, 2009,   for COBRA coverage and the election of COBRA cov-
         a group health plan must treat an assistance-eligible indi-  erage.
         vidual  as  having  paid  the  required  COBRA  continuation
         coverage premium if the individual elects COBRA cover-  • A record of the SSNs of all covered employees, the
         age and pays 35% of the amount of the premium.            amount of the subsidy reimbursed with respect to
            An  assistance-eligible  individual  is  a  qualified  benefi-  each covered employee, and whether the subsidy
         ciary of an employer's group health plan who is eligible for   was for one individual or two or more individuals.
         COBRA  continuation  coverage  during  the  period  begin-
         ning September 1, 2008, and ending May 31, 2010, due
         to the involuntary termination from employment of a cov-  1. Employer Identification
         ered employee during the period and elects continuation
         COBRA  coverage.  The  assistance  for  the  coverage  can   Number (EIN)
         last up to 15 months.
            The COBRA premium assistance credit was available   If you’re required to report employment taxes or give tax
         to an employer for premiums paid on behalf of employees   statements to employees or annuitants, you need an EIN.
         who  were  involuntarily  terminated  from  employment  be-
         tween  September  1,  2008,  and  May  31,  2010.  The  CO-  The EIN is a nine-digit number the IRS issues. The dig-
         BRA premium assistance credit isn’t available for individu-  its are arranged as follows: 00-0000000. It is used to iden-
         als who were involuntarily terminated after May 31, 2010.   tify the tax accounts of employers and certain others who
         Therefore, only in rare circumstances will the credit still be   have no employees. Use your EIN on all of the items you
         available, such as instances where COBRA eligibility was   send to the IRS and the SSA. For more information, see
         delayed as a result of employer-provided health insurance   Pub. 1635.
         coverage  following  termination.  For  more  information   If you don’t have an EIN, you may apply for one online
         about the credit, see Notice 2009-27, 2009-16 I.R.B. 838,   by visiting the IRS website at You may also
         available at      apply  for  an  EIN  by  faxing  or  mailing  Form  SS-4  to  the
            Administrators of the group health plans (or other enti-  IRS.  If  the  principal  business  was  created  or  organized
         ties) that provide or administer COBRA continuation cov-  outside  of  the  United  States  or  U.S.  territories,  you  may
         erage must provide notice to assistance-eligible individu-  also apply for an EIN by calling 267-941-1099 (toll call).
         als of the COBRA premium assistance.                   Don't use an SSN in place of an EIN.
            The 65% of the premium not paid by the assistance-eli-
         gible individuals is reimbursed to the employer maintain-  You should have only one EIN. If you have more than
         ing  the  group  health  plan.  The  reimbursement  is  made   one and aren't sure which one to use, call 800-829-4933
         through a credit against the employer's employment tax li-  or  800-829-4059  (TDD/TTY  for  persons  who  are  deaf,
         abilities.  For  information  on  how  to  claim  the  credit,  see   hard  of  hearing,  or  have  a  speech  disability).  Give  the
         the  Instructions  for  Form  941-X  or  the  Instructions  for   numbers you have, the name and address to which each
         Form 944-X. The credit is treated as a deposit made on   was assigned, and the address of your main place of busi-
         the first day of the return period (quarter or year). In the   ness. The IRS will tell you which number to use. For more
         case of a multiemployer plan, the credit is claimed by the   information, see Pub. 1635.
         plan, rather than the employer. In the case of an insured   If you took over another employer's business (see Suc-
         plan  subject  to  state  law  continuation  coverage  require-  cessor employer in section 9), don't use that employer's
         ments,  the  credit  is  claimed  by  the  insurance  company,   EIN. If you’ve applied for an EIN but don't have your EIN
         rather than the employer.                              by the time a return is due, file a paper return and write
            Anyone claiming the credit for COBRA premium assis-  “Applied For” and the date you applied for it in the space
         tance payments must maintain the following information to   shown for the number.
         support their claim.
           • Information on the receipt of the assistance-eligible in-
             dividuals' 35% share of the premium, including dates   2. Who Are Employees?
             and amounts.
           • In the case of an insurance plan, a copy of an invoice   Generally,  employees  are  defined  either  under  common
             or other supporting statement from the insurance car-  law or under statutes for certain situations. See Pub. 15-A
             rier and proof of timely payment of the full premium to   for details on statutory employees and nonemployees.
             the insurance carrier required under COBRA.        Employee  status  under  common  law.  Generally,  a

           • In the case of a self-insured plan, proof of the pre-  worker who performs services for you is your employee if
             mium amount and proof of the coverage provided to   you have the right to control what will be done and how it
             the assistance-eligible individuals.               will be done. This is so even when you give the employee

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