Page 48 - Small Business Taxes
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           • You are entitled to the additional child tax credit. (An   However, you may need to adjust the amount reported
             optional method may increase your earned income,   on Schedule K-1 if you are a general partner or if it is a
             which could increase your credit.)                 loss.
         Effects of using an optional method.  Using an optional   Gross nonfarm income.  Your gross nonfarm income is
         method could increase your SE tax. Paying more SE tax   generally the total of the amounts from:
         could result in your getting higher benefits when you re-  • Line 7 of Schedule C (Form 1040); and
            Using  the  optional  methods  may  also  decrease  your   • Box 14, code C, of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) (from
         AGI due to the deduction for one-half of SE tax on Form   nonfarm partnerships).
         1040  or  1040-SR,  which  may  affect  your  eligibility  for
         credits, deductions, or other items that are subject to an   Figuring Nonfarm Net Earnings
         AGI limit. Figure your AGI with and without using the op-
         tional methods to see if the optional methods will benefit   If you meet the three tests explained earlier, use the fol-
         you.                                                   lowing  table  to  figure  your  nonfarm  net  earnings  from
            If you use either or both optional methods, you must fig-  self-employment under the nonfarm optional method.
         ure and pay the SE tax due under these methods even if
         you would have had a smaller tax or no tax using the regu-  Table 10-1. Figuring Nonfarm Net Earnings
         lar method.
            The optional methods may be used only to figure your   IF your gross nonfarm   THEN your net
         SE  tax.  To  figure  your  income  tax,  include  your  actual   income is...    earnings are equal to...
         earnings in gross income, regardless of which method you
         use to determine SE tax.                                $9,060 or less            two-thirds of your gross
                                                                                           nonfarm income.
         Regular Method                                          more than $9,060          $6,040.

         To figure net earnings using the regular method, multiply
         your  self-employment  earnings  by  92.35%  (0.9235).  For   Optional net earnings less than actual net earnings.
         your  net  earnings  figured  using  the  regular  method,  see   You cannot use this method to report an amount less than
         line 4a of your Schedule SE (Form 1040).               your  actual  nonfarm  net  earnings  from  self-employment.
                                                                Your  actual  nonfarm  net  earnings  are  your  nonfarm  net
            Net earnings figured using the regular method are also   earnings figured using the regular method, explained ear-
         called actual net earnings.                            lier.

         Nonfarm Optional Method                                Gross nonfarm income of $9,060 or less.  The follow-
                                                                ing  examples  illustrate  how  to  figure  net  earnings  when
         Use the nonfarm optional method only for earnings that do   gross nonfarm income is $9,060 or less.
         not come from farming. You may use this method if you
                                                                  Example  1.  Net  nonfarm  profit  less  than  $6,540
         meet all the following tests.                          and  less  than  72.189%  of  gross  nonfarm  income.
          1. You are self-employed on a regular basis. This means   Ann Green runs a craft business. Her actual net earnings
             that your actual net earnings from self-employment   from  self-employment  were  $800  in  2020  and  $900  in
             were $400 or more in at least 2 of the 3 tax years be-  2021.  She  meets  the  test  for  being  self-employed  on  a
             fore the one for which you use this method. For this   regular basis. She has used the nonfarm optional method
             purpose, the prior-year net earnings can be from ei-  less than 5 years. Her gross income and net profit in 2022
             ther farm or nonfarm earnings or both.             are as follows.
          2. You have used this method less than 5 years. (There
             is a 5-year lifetime limit.) The years do not have to be   Gross nonfarm income .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $5,400
             one after another.                                  Net nonfarm profit .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $1,200
          3. Your net nonfarm profits were:                       Ann's actual net earnings for 2022 are $1,108 ($1,200
              a. Less than $6,540, and                          × 0.9235). Because her net profit is less than $6,540 and
                                                                less than 72.189% of her gross income, she can use the
              b. Less than 72.189% of your gross nonfarm income.  nonfarm optional method to figure net earnings of $3,600
                                                                ( /3 × $5,400). Because these net earnings are higher than
         Net  nonfarm  profit.  Net  nonfarm  profit  is  generally  the   her  actual  net  earnings,  she  can  report  net  earnings  of
         total of the amounts from:                             $3,600 for 2022.
           • Line 31 of Schedule C (Form 1040); and               Example 2. Net nonfarm profit less than $6,540 but
           • Box 14, code A, of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) (from   not less than 72.189% of gross nonfarm income.  As-
             nonfarm partnerships).                             sume that in Example 1 Ann's gross income is $1,200 and
                                                                her net profit is $900. She must use the regular method to

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