Page 43 - Small Business Taxes
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           • Real estate taxes if you use an accrual method of ac-  between the airport or station and your hotel, or between
             counting and choose to accrue real estate tax related   the hotel and your work location away from home.
             to a definite period ratably over that period.       Baggage and shipping.  You can deduct the cost of
         Sales tax.  Treat any sales tax you pay on a service or on   sending baggage and sample or display material between
         the purchase or use of property as part of the cost of the   your regular and temporary work locations.
         service or property. If the service or the cost or use of the   Car  or  truck.  You  can  deduct  the  costs  of  operating
         property  is  a  deductible  business  expense,  you  can  de-  and  maintaining  your  vehicle  when  traveling  away  from
         duct the tax as part of that service or cost. If the property   home  on  business.  You  can  deduct  actual  expenses  or
         is merchandise bought for resale, the sales tax is part of   the  standard  mileage  rate  (discussed  earlier  under  Car
         the cost of the merchandise. If the property is depreciable,   and  Truck  Expenses),  as  well  as  business-related  tolls
         add the sales tax to the basis for depreciation. For infor-  and parking. If you rent a car while away from home on
         mation on the basis of property, see Pub. 551.         business, you can deduct only the business-use portion of
                 Do  not  deduct  state  and  local  sales  taxes  im-  the expenses.
            !    posed on the buyer that you must collect and pay   Meals and lodging.  You can deduct the cost of meals
          CAUTION  over to the state or local government. Do not in-  and  lodging  if  your  business  trip  is  overnight  or  long
         clude these taxes in gross receipts or sales.          enough that you need to stop for sleep or rest to properly
                                                                perform your duties. You can use actual expenses or the
         ,                                                      standard  meal  allowance  to  calculate  your  deduction.  In

         Excise taxes.  You can deduct on Schedule C all excise   most  cases,  you  can  deduct  only  50%  of  your  meal  ex-
                                                                penses. However, business meals are 100% deductible if
         taxes that are ordinary and necessary expenses of carry-  the meals are food and beverages provided by a restau-
         ing on your business. Excise taxes are discussed briefly in   rant  and  paid  or  incurred  after  December  31,  2020,  and
         chapter 1.                                             before January 1, 2023. See Pub. 463 for additional infor-

         Fuel taxes.  Taxes on gasoline, diesel fuel, and other mo-  mation.
         tor fuels you use in your business are usually included as   Cleaning.  You  can  deduct  the  costs  of  dry  cleaning
         part of the cost of the fuel. Do not deduct these taxes as a   and laundry while on your business trip.
         separate item.
            You may be entitled to a credit or refund for federal ex-  Telephone.  You can deduct the cost of business calls
         cise tax you paid on fuels used for certain purposes. For   while on your business trip, including business communi-
         more information, see Pub. 510.                        cation by fax machine or other communication devices.
                                                                  Tips.  You can deduct the tips you pay for any expense
         Travel and Meals                                       in this list.
                                                                  More information.  For more information about travel
         This section briefly explains the kinds of travel and meal   expenses, see Pub. 463.
         expenses you can deduct on Schedule C.                 Reimbursing your employees for expenses.  You can
         Travel expenses.  These are the ordinary and necessary   generally deduct the amount you reimburse your employ-
         expenses of traveling away from home for your business.   ees for travel and meal expenses. The reimbursement you
         You  are  traveling  away  from  home  if  both  the  following   deduct and the manner in which you deduct it depend in
         conditions are met.                                    part on whether you reimburse the expenses under an ac-
                                                                countable plan or a nonaccountable plan. For details, see
          1. Your duties require you to be away from the general   chapter 11 of Pub. 535. That chapter explains accounta-
             area of your tax home (defined later) substantially lon-  ble and nonaccountable plans and tells you whether to re-
             ger than an ordinary day's work.                   port the reimbursement on your employee's Form W-2.
          2. You need to get sleep or rest to meet the demands of
             your work while away from home.                    Business Use of Your Home
         Generally,  your  tax  home  is  your  regular  place  of  busi-
         ness, regardless of where you maintain your family home.   To deduct expenses related to the part of your home used
         It  includes  the  entire  city  or  general  area  in  which  your   for business, you must meet specific requirements. Even
         business is located. See Pub. 463 for more information.  then, your deduction may be limited.
            The following is a brief discussion of the expenses you
                                                                  To qualify to claim expenses for business use of your
         can deduct.                                            home, you must meet the following tests.
            Transportation.  You can deduct the cost of travel by
         airplane, train, bus, or car between your home and your   1. Your use of the business part of your home must be:
         business destination.                                      a. Exclusive (however, see Exceptions to exclusive
            Taxi,  commuter  bus,  and  limousine.  You  can  de-      use, later),
         duct  fares  for  these  and  other  types  of  transportation   b. Regular, and

                                                                          Chapter 8  Business Expenses    Page 37
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