Page 38 - Small Business Taxes
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         drive to your clients to deliver your completed work. You     If you qualify to use both methods, figure your de-
         can  deduct  the  cost  of  the  round-trip  transportation  be-  TIP  duction both ways to see which gives you a larger
         tween your home and your clients.                             deduction.
                                                                  Actual car expenses include the costs of the following
         Methods for Deducting Car and Truck                    items.
                                                                 Depreciation   Lease payments      Registration
         For local transportation or overnight travel by car or truck,   Garage rent  Licenses      Repairs
         you can generally use one of the following methods to fig-  Gas        Oil                 Tires
         ure your expenses.                                      Insurance      Parking fees        Tolls
           • Standard mileage rate.                               If you use your vehicle for both business and personal
           • Actual expenses.                                   purposes, you must divide your expenses between busi-
                                                                ness  and  personal  use.  You  can  divide  your  expenses
         Standard  mileage  rate.  You  may  be  able  to  use  the   based on the miles driven for each purpose.
         standard mileage rate to figure the deductible costs of op-  Example.  You are the sole proprietor of a flower shop.
         erating your car, van, pickup, or panel truck for business   You drove your van 20,000 miles during the year. 16,000
         purposes. The business standard mileage rate from Janu-  miles were for delivering flowers to customers and 4,000
         ary 1, 2022, to June 30, 2022, is 58.5 cents per mile. The   miles were for personal use (including commuting miles).
         business standard mileage rate from July 1, 2022, to De-  You can claim only 80% (16,000 ÷ 20,000) of the cost of
         cember 31, 2022, is 62.5 cents per mile.               operating your van as a business expense.

                 If you choose to use the standard mileage rate for
            !    a year, you cannot deduct your actual expenses   More information.  For more information about the rules
          CAUTION  for  that  year  except  for  business-related  parking   for claiming car and truck expenses, see Pub. 463.
         fees and tolls.
                                                                Reimbursing Your Employees for
            Choosing the standard mileage rate.  If you want to   Expenses
         use the standard mileage rate for a car or truck you own,
         you must choose to use it in the first year the car is availa-  You can generally deduct the amount you reimburse your
         ble  for  use  in  your  business.  In  later  years,  you  can   employees  for  car  and  truck  expenses.  The  reimburse-
         choose to use either the standard mileage rate or actual   ment you deduct and the manner in which you deduct it
         expenses.                                              depend  in  part  on  whether  you  reimburse  the  expenses
            If you choose to use the standard mileage rate for a car   under an accountable plan or a nonaccountable plan. For
         you lease, you must use it for the entire lease period (in-  details, see chapter 11 of Pub. 535. That chapter explains
         cluding renewals).                                     accountable  and  nonaccountable  plans  and  tells  you
            Standard mileage rate not allowed.  You cannot use   whether to report the reimbursement on your employee's
         the standard mileage rate if you:                      Form W-2.
          1. Operate five or more cars at the same time;
          2. Claimed a depreciation deduction using any method   Depreciation
             other than straight line, for example, ACRS or
             MACRS;                                             If property you acquire to use in your business is expected
                                                                to last more than 1 year, you generally cannot deduct the
          3. Claimed a section 179 deduction on the car;        entire cost as a business expense in the year you acquire
          4. Claimed the special depreciation allowance on the   it.  You  must  spread  the  cost  over  more  than  1  tax  year
             car;                                               and  deduct  part  of  it  each  year  on  Schedule  C.  This
                                                                method  of  deducting  the  cost  of  business  property  is
          5. Claimed actual car expenses for a car you leased; or  called depreciation.
          6. Are a rural mail carrier who received a qualified reim-  The following is a brief overview. You will find more in-
             bursement.                                         formation about depreciation in Pub. 946.
            Parking fees and tolls.  In addition to using the stand-  What property can be depreciated?  You can depreci-
         ard  mileage  rate,  you  can  deduct  any  business-related   ate property if it meets all the following requirements.
         parking fees and tolls. (Parking fees you pay to park your
         car  at  your  place  of  work  are  nondeductible  commuting   • It must be property you own.
         expenses.)                                              • It must be used in business or held to produce in-
         Actual expenses.  If you do not choose to use the stand-  come. You can never depreciate inventory (explained
                                                                   in chapter 2) because it is not held for use in your
         ard mileage rate, you may be able to deduct your actual   business.
         car or truck expenses.

         Page 32    Chapter 8   Business Expenses
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