Page 41 - Small Business Taxes
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         Self-employed health insurance deduction.  You may       You cannot deduct on Schedule C the interest you paid
         be  able  to  deduct  the  amount  you  paid  for  medical  and   on personal loans. If a loan is part business and part per-
         dental  insurance  and  qualified  long-term  care  insurance   sonal, you must divide the interest between the personal
         for you and your family.                               part and the business part.
            How to figure the deduction.  Generally, you can use   Example.  In  2022,  you  paid  $600  interest  on  a  car
         the worksheet in the Instructions for Form 1040 to figure   loan. During 2022, you used the car 60% for business and
         your deduction. However, if any of the following apply, you   40%  for  personal  purposes.  You  are  claiming  actual  ex-
         must use the worksheet in chapter 6 of Pub. 535.       penses on the car. You can only deduct $360 (60% (0.60)
           • You have more than one source of income subject to   × $600) for 2022 on Schedule C. The remaining interest of
             SE tax.                                            $240 is a nondeductible personal expense.
           • You file Form 2555 (relating to foreign earned in-  More  information.  For  more  information  about  deduct-
             come).                                             ing interest, see chapter 4 of Pub. 535. That chapter ex-
           • You are using amounts paid for qualified long-term   plains the following items.
             care insurance to figure the deduction.             • Interest you can deduct.
            See Form 8962 and its separate instructions and use   • Interest you cannot deduct.
         Pub. 974 if the insurance plan established, or considered
         to  be  established,  under  your  business  was  obtained   • How to allocate interest between personal and busi-
         through  the  Health  Insurance  Marketplace  and  you  are   ness use.
         claiming the premium tax credit.                        • Limitation on business interest.
         Prepayment.  You  cannot  deduct  expenses  in  advance,   • When to deduct interest.
         even if you pay them in advance. This rule applies to any   • The rules for a below-market interest rate loan. (This
         expense paid far enough in advance to, in effect, create   is generally a loan on which no interest is charged or
         an asset with a useful life extending substantially beyond   on which interest is charged at a rate below the appli-
         the end of the current tax year.                          cable federal rate.)

            Example.  In 2022, you signed a 3-year insurance con-
         tract. Even though you paid the premiums for 2022, 2023,   Legal and Professional Fees
         and 2024 when you signed the contract, you can only de-
         duct the premium for 2022 on your 2022 tax return. You   Legal and professional fees, such as fees charged by ac-
         can deduct in 2023 and 2024 the premiums allocable to   countants, that are ordinary and necessary expenses di-
         those years.                                           rectly related to operating your business are deductible on
         More  information.  For  more  information  about  deduct-  Schedule  C.  However,  you  usually  cannot  deduct  legal
                                                                fees you pay to acquire business assets. Add them to the
         ing insurance, see chapter 6 of Pub. 535.              basis of the property.

                                                                  If the fees include payments for work of a personal na-
         Interest                                               ture (such as making a will), you can take a business de-
                                                                duction  only  for  the  part  of  the  fee  related  to  your  busi-
         You can generally deduct as a business expense some or   ness.
         all interest you pay or accrue during the tax year on debts   Tax preparation fees.  You can deduct on Schedule C
         related to your business. Interest relates to your business   the cost of preparing that part of your tax return relating to
         if  you  use  the  proceeds  of  the  loan  for  a  business  ex-  your business as a sole proprietor or statutory employee.
         pense.  It  does  not  matter  what  type  of  property  secures   You  can  also  deduct  on  Schedule  C  the  amount  you
         the  loan.  You  can  deduct  interest  on  a  debt  only  if  you   pay or incur in resolving asserted tax deficiencies for your
         meet all of the following requirements.                business as a sole proprietor or statutory employee.
           • You are legally liable for that debt.

           • Both you and the lender intend that the debt be re-  Pension Plans
           • You and the lender have a true debtor-creditor rela-  You can set up and maintain the following small business
             tionship.                                          retirement plans for yourself and your employees.
            Certain taxpayers are required to limit their business in-  • SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) plans.
         terest  expense  deduction.  See  the  Instructions  for  Form   • SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employ-
         8990 to determine whether you are required to limit your   ees) plans.
         business  interest  expense  deduction,  who  is  required  to
         file Form 8990, and how certain businesses may elect out   • Qualified plans (including Keogh or H.R. 10 plans).
         of the business interest expense limitation.             SEP,  SIMPLE,  and  qualified  plans  offer  you  and  your
                                                                employees a tax-favored way to save for retirement. You

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