Page 20 - Payroll Taxes Calendar
P. 20

2020                                <- OCTOBER             DECEMBER ->


       Mo                          Tu                           We                Th               Fr                Sa               Su
         26                          27                           28                29               30                31               1

         2                           3                            4                 5                6                 7                8
         File Form 720 for the third                              Deposit payroll tax                Deposit payroll tax
         quarter.                                                 for payments on                    for payments on
         Deposit FUTA owed through Sep if                         Oct 28-30 if the                   Oct 31-Nov 3 if the
         more than $500.                                          semiweekly deposit                 semiweekly deposit
         File Form 730 and pay tax on                             rule applies.                      rule applies.
         wagers accepted during
         File Form 2290 and pay the tax
         for vehicles first used during
         File Form 941 for the third

         9                           10                           11                12               13                14               15
                                     File Form 941 for the third quarter            Deposit payroll tax
                                     if you timely deposited all required           for payments on
                                     payments.                                      Nov 4-6 if the
                                     Employers: Employees are required              semiweekly deposit
                                     to report to you tips of $20 or more           rule applies.
                                     earned during October.

         16                          17                           18                19               20                21               22
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24