Page 18 - Payroll Taxes Calendar
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Deposit payroll tax
for payments on
Sep 26-29 if the
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Deposit payroll tax Deposit payroll tax
for payments on for payments on
Sep 30 - Oct 2 if the Oct 3-6 if the
semiweekly deposit semiweekly deposit
rule applies. rule applies.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Employers: Individuals: File Form 1040 if you Deposit payroll tax
Employees are timely requested an extension. for payments on
required to report Corporations: File calendar year Oct 10-13 if the
to you tips of $20 Form 1120 if you timely requested semiweekly deposit
or more earned an extension. rule applies.
during September. Non-Resident Alien Individuals who
received wages as an employee
subject to U.S. income tax
withholding: File Form 1040NR or
1040NR-EZ if you timely filed Form
Deposit payroll tax for Sep if the
monthly deposit rule applies.
Deposit payroll tax for payments on
Oct 7-9 if the semiweekly deposit
rule applies.
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