Page 13 - Payroll Taxes Calendar
P. 13

2020              <-JUNE                     AUGUST ->


      Mo             Tu             We                                         Th             Fr                          Sa             Su
        29             30             1                                          2              3                           4              5
                                      Deposit payroll tax for payments on Jun 24-26 if the semiweekly deposit
                                      rule applies.
                                      File Form 11-C to register and pay annual tax if you are in the business of
                                      taking wagers
        6              7              8                                          9              10                          11             12
        Deposit payroll tax           Deposit payroll tax for payments on Jul 1-3 if the semiweekly deposit rule   Deposit payroll tax for payments on Jul 4-7 if
        for payments on Jun           applies.                                                 the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
        27-30 if the                                                                           Employers: Employees are required to report to
        semiweekly deposit                                                                     you tips of $20 or more earned during June.
        rule applies
        13             14             15                                         16             17                          18             19
                                      File Forms 990-T (Section 401(a) or 408(a) trusts) or Form 1120-POL for   Deposit payroll tax for payments on Jul 11-14 if
                                      years ending 12/31/19                                    the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
                                      Individuals and Entities: File Form 3520. For automatic 3-month
                                      extension, file an income tax return extension: Form 4868 for individuals
                                      or Form 7004 for entities.
                                      Deposit payroll tax for payments on Jul 8-10 if the semiweekly deposit
                                      rule applies.
                                      Non-Resident Alien Individuals who received wages as an employee
                                      subject to U.S. income tax withholding: File Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ.
                                      For an automatic 3-month extension, file Form 4868.
                                      Partnerships: File Form 8813 installment payment vouchers and pay any
                                      tax due.
                                      Individuals living outside the U.S.: File Form 1040 or 1040-SR and pay any
                                      tax, interest, and penalties due. For automatic extension file form 4868
                                      and deposit estimated tax.
                                      Non-Resident Alien individuals who DID NOT receive wages as an
                                      employee subject to U.S. income tax: File Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ.  For
                                      an extension, file Form 4868
                                      Tax Exempt Orgs: Deposit Estimated Tax for 1st & 2nd quarter due on
                                      Unrelated Business Taxable Income for Tax-Exempt Organizations. Use
                                      Form 990-W to determine the amount of estimated tax payments
                                      Form 1120-F filers:  Due dates can vary for Form 1120-F filers, depending
                                      on if the foreign corporation has a U.S. place of business and on the year-
                                      end of the foreign corporation.  Please see instructions.
                                      Deposit payroll tax for June if the monthly deposit rule applies.
                                      Corporations: File Form 1120 for calendar year and pay any tax due. For
                                      automatic 3-month extension, file Form 7004 and deposit first and
                                      second installments of estimated tax.
                                      Individuals: File Form 1040 or 1040SR and pay any tax due. For automatic
                                      3-month extension file Form 4868 and deposit estimated tax. Pay the first
                                      and second installments of 2020 estimated tax - Use Form 1040-ES.
                                      Partnerships: File Form 8804 and Forms 8805 for a calendar year
                                      partnership that keep its records and books of account outside the
        20             21             22                                         23             24                          25             26
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18