Page 8 - Payroll Taxes Calendar
P. 8

2020                 <- MARCH               MAY ->


       Mo               Tu               We                         Th                              Fr               Sa               Su
         30               31               1                          2                               3                4                 5
                                           Deposit payroll tax for payments on                        Deposit payroll tax for
                                           Mar 25-27 if the semiweekly deposit                        payments on Mar 28-
                                           rule applies.                                              31 if the semiweekly
                                                                                                      deposit rule applies.
         6                7                8                          9                               10               11                12
                                           Deposit payroll tax for payments on                        Employers: Employees
                                           Apr 1-3 if the semiweekly deposit                          are required to report
                                           rule applies.                                              to you tips of $20 or
                                                                                                      more earned during
                                                                                                      Deposit payroll tax for
                                                                                                      payments on Apr 4-7 if
                                                                                                      the semiweekly
                                                                                                      deposit rule applies.
         13               14               15                         16                              17               18                19
                                           Withholding Agent: File Forms 1042-
                                           S if you timely requested a 30-day
                                           extension. Furnish Forms 1042-S to
                                           recipients if you timey requested a
                                           30-day extension.
                                           Deposit payroll tax for Mar if the
                                           monthly deposit rule applies.
                                           Deposit payroll tax for payments on
                                           Apr 8-10 if the semiweekly deposit
         20               21               22                         23                              24               25                26
         Deposit payroll tax for           Deposit payroll tax for payments on                        Deposit payroll tax for
         payments on Apr 11-               Apr 15-17 if the semiweekly deposit                        payments on Apr 18-
         14 if the semiweekly              rule applies.                                              21 if the semiweekly
         deposit rule applies.                                                                        deposit rule applies.
         27               28               29                         30                              1                2                 3
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13