Page 4 - Payroll Taxes Calendar
P. 4
2020 <- JANUARY MARCH ->
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
27 28 29 30 31 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Deposit payroll tax for Deposit payroll tax for payments on Feb 1-4 if
payments on Jan 29-31 if the the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
semiweekly deposit rule
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Employers: Deposit payroll tax for
Employees are payments on Feb 5-7 if the
required to report to semiweekly deposit rule applies
you tips of $20 or
more earned during Deposit payroll tax for payments on Feb 8-11
Jan. if the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
File Forms 940, 941,
943, 944 and/or 945 if
you timely deposited
all required payments.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Deposit payroll tax for Jan Deposit payroll tax for Jan if Deposit payroll tax Deposit payroll tax for payments on Feb
if the monthly deposit rule the monthly deposit rule for payments on 15-18 if the semiweekly deposit rule
applies. applies. Feb 12-14 if the applies.
Furnish Forms 1099-B, Furnish Forms 1099-B, 1099- semiweekly deposit
1099-S and certain Forms S and certain Forms 1099- rule applies.
1099-MISC to recipients. MISC to recipients.
File a new Form W-4 if File a new Form W-4 if you
you claimed exemption claimed exemption from
from income tax income tax withholding in
withholding in 2019. 2019.
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