Page 140 - IRS Business Tax Credits Guide
P. 140

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          Washington     7,311  Fileid: … ions/i8941/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 20,210  Stevens  14:26 - 22-Nov-2022
          Wayne          7,311   19,465        Jackson        7,004   19,947       Sumner         6,660   18,161
          Webster        6,451   20,188        Jefferson      7,004   19,947       Thomas         7,246   21,412
          Winnebago      7,445   21,955        Jewell         6,556   17,604       Trego          7,246   21,412
          Winneshiek     7,445   21,955        Johnson        7,490   20,490       Wabaunsee      7,004   19,947
          Woodbury       8,032   22,897        Kearny         6,516   20,210       Wallace        7,246   21,412
          Worth          7,445   21,955        Kingman        6,660   18,161       Washington     6,556   17,604
          Wright         7,445   21,955        Kiowa          6,516   20,210       Wichita        7,246   21,412
                                               Labette        7,646   19,378       Wilson         6,660   18,161
                                               Lane           7,246   21,412       Woodson        7,646   19,378
                         Employee- Dependent,  Leavenworth    7,490   20,490       Wyandotte      7,490   20,490
          County         Only    Family, etc.  Lincoln        6,556   17,604
          Allen          7,646   19,378        Linn           7,004   19,947      Kentucky
          Anderson       7,004   19,947        Logan          7,246   21,412                      Employee- Dependent,
          Atchison       7,004   19,947        Lyon           7,004   19,947       County         Only    Family, etc.
          Barber         6,516   20,210        Marion         6,660   18,161       Adair          7,995   23,900
          Barton         7,246   21,412        Marshall       7,004   19,947       Allen          7,995   23,900
          Bourbon        7,646   19,378        McPherson      6,660   18,161       Anderson       6,923   19,939
          Brown          7,004   19,947        Meade          6,516   20,210       Ballard        9,237   20,839
          Butler         6,660   18,161        Miami          7,490   20,490       Barren         7,995   23,900
          Chase          6,660   18,161        Mitchell       6,556   17,604       Bath           7,608   22,247
          Chautauqua     6,660   18,161        Montgomery     6,660   18,161       Bell           8,511   22,079
          Cherokee       7,646   19,378        Morris         6,556   17,604       Boone          6,646   20,870
          Cheyenne       7,246   21,412        Morton         6,516   20,210       Bourbon        6,923   19,939
          Clark          6,516   20,210        Nemaha         7,004   19,947       Boyd           7,608   22,247
          Clay           6,556   17,604        Neosho         7,646   19,378       Boyle          6,923   19,939
          Cloud          6,556   17,604        Ness           7,246   21,412       Bracken        7,608   22,247
          Coffey         7,004   19,947        Norton         7,246   21,412       Breathitt      8,511   22,079
          Comanche       6,516   20,210        Osage          7,004   19,947       Breckinridge   7,219   20,093
          Cowley         6,660   18,161        Osborne        7,246   21,412       Bullitt        7,219   20,093
          Crawford       7,646   19,378        Ottawa         6,556   17,604       Butler         7,995   23,900
          Decatur        7,246   21,412        Pawnee         6,516   20,210       Caldwell       9,237   20,839
          Dickinson      6,556   17,604        Phillips       7,246   21,412       Calloway       9,237   20,839
          Doniphan       7,004   19,947        Pottawatomie   7,004   19,947       Campbell       6,646   20,870
          Douglas        7,004   19,947        Pratt          6,516   20,210       Carlisle       9,237   20,839
          Edwards        6,516   20,210        Rawlins        7,246   21,412       Carroll        7,219   20,093
          Elk            6,660   18,161        Reno           6,660   18,161       Carter         7,608   22,247
          Ellis          7,246   21,412        Republic       6,556   17,604       Casey          7,995   23,900
          Ellsworth      6,556   17,604        Rice           6,660   18,161       Christian      8,681   22,562
          Finney         6,516   20,210        Riley          6,556   17,604       Clark          6,923   19,939
          Ford           6,516   20,210        Rooks          7,246   21,412       Clay           8,511   22,079
          Franklin       7,004   19,947        Rush           7,246   21,412       Clinton        7,995   23,900
          Geary          6,556   17,604        Russell        7,246   21,412       Crittenden     9,237   20,839
          Gove           7,246   21,412        Saline         6,556   17,604       Cumberland     7,995   23,900
          Graham         7,246   21,412        Scott          7,246   21,412       Daviess        8,681   22,562
          Grant          6,516   20,210        Sedgwick       6,660   18,161       Edmonson       7,995   23,900
          Gray           6,516   20,210        Seward         6,516   20,210       Elliott        7,608   22,247
          Greeley        7,246   21,412        Shawnee        7,004   19,947       Estill         6,923   19,939
          Greenwood      6,660   18,161        Sheridan       7,246   21,412       Fayette        6,923   19,939
          Hamilton       6,516   20,210        Sherman        7,246   21,412       Fleming        7,608   22,247
          Harper         6,660   18,161        Smith          7,246   21,412       Floyd          8,511   22,079
          Harvey         6,660   18,161        Stafford       6,516   20,210       Franklin       6,923   19,939
          Haskell        6,516   20,210        Stanton        6,516   20,210       Fulton         9,237   20,839

                                                            -16-                      2022 Average Premium Tables
   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145