Page 253 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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            If you were a U.S. citizen or resident   U.S. social security taxes. For further in-  Nonresident Alien
         alien  serving  outside  the  United  States   formation  about  these  agreements,  see   If  you  are  a  self-employed  nonresident
         as  a  minister  or  member  of  a  religious   the exception shown in the next section.  alien  living  in  the  United  States,  you
         order  and  you  must  pay  SE  tax,  you                                must pay SE tax if an international so-
         can’t  reduce  your  net  earnings  by  the   U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens   cial  security  agreement  in  effect  deter-
         foreign  earned  income  exclusion  or  the   Living Outside the United States  mines  that  you  are  covered  under  the
         foreign housing exclusion or deduction.  If  you  are  a  self-employed  U.S.  citizen   U.S. social security system. See Excep-
            See Pub. 517 for additional details re-  or resident alien living outside the Uni-  tion under U.S. Citizens or Resident Ali-
         garding  social  security  for  members  of   ted  States,  in  most  cases  you  must  pay   ens  Living  Outside  the  United  States,
         the clergy and religious workers.    SE tax. Foreign earnings from self-em-  earlier,  for  information  about  interna-
                                              ployment can’t be reduced by your for-  tional social security agreements. If your
         Members of Certain Religious         eign  earned  income  exclusion  when   self-employment  income  is  subject  to
         Sects                                computing SE tax.                   SE tax, complete Schedule SE and file it
                                                                                  with your Form 1040-NR.
         If  you  have  conscientious  objections  to   Exception.  The United States has social
         social  security  insurance  because  of   security agreements with many countries
         your  membership  in  and  belief  in  the   to eliminate dual taxes under two social   Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Cases
         teachings of a religious sect recognized   security  systems.  Under  these  agree-  While you are a debtor in a chapter 11
         as  being  in  existence  at  all  times  since   ments, you must generally pay social se-  bankruptcy case, your net profit or loss
         December 31, 1950, and which has pro-  curity  and  Medicare  taxes  to  only  the   from  self-employment  (for  example,
         vided a reasonable level of living for its   country in which you live.  from  Schedule  C  or  Schedule  F)  won't
         dependent  members,  you  are  exempt   The United States now has social se-  be included in your Form 1040 or Form
         from SE tax if you received IRS appro-  curity  agreements  with  the  following   1040-SR income. Instead, it will be in-
         val  by  filing  Form  4029.  In  this  case,   countries:  Australia,  Austria,  Belgium,   cluded  on  the  income  tax  return  (Form
         don’t  file  Schedule  SE.  Instead,  enter   Brazil, Canada, Chile, the Czech Repub-  1041) of the bankruptcy estate. Howev-
         “Exempt—Form  4029”  on  Schedule  2   lic,  Denmark,  Finland,  France,  Germa-  er,  you  (not  the  bankruptcy  estate)  are
         (Form  1040),  line  4.  See  Pub.  517  for   ny,  Greece,  Hungary,  Iceland,  Ireland,   responsible  for  paying  SE  tax  on  your
         details.                             Italy,  Japan,  Luxembourg,  the  Nether-  net earnings from self-employment.
                                              lands,  Norway,  Poland,  Portugal,  the   Enter on the dotted line to the left of
         U.S. Citizens Employed by            Slovak  Republic,  Slovenia,  South  Ko-  Schedule  SE,  line  3,  “Chap.  11  bank-
         Foreign Governments or               rea,  Spain,  Sweden,  Switzerland,  the   ruptcy income” and the amount of your
         International Organizations          United Kingdom, and Uruguay.        net  profit  or  (loss).  Combine  that

         You  must  pay  SE  tax  on  income  you   If  you  have  questions  about  interna-  amount with the total of lines 1a, 1b, and
         earned as a U.S. citizen employed by a   tional  social  security  agreements,  or  to   2 (if any) and enter the result on line 3.
         foreign government (or, in certain cases,   see  if  any  additional  agreements  have   For other reporting requirements, see
         by a wholly owned instrumentality of a   been entered into, you can visit the So-  Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Cases in the In-
         foreign  government  or  an  international   cial  Security  Administration's  (SSA's)   structions for Form 1040.
         organization under the International Or-  International  Programs  website  at   More Than One Business
         ganizations Immunities Act) for services The website also
         performed  in  the  United  States,  Puerto   provides  contact  information  for  ques-  If you had two or more businesses sub-
         Rico,  Guam,  American  Samoa,  the   tions about benefits and the agreements.  ject  to  SE  tax,  your  net  earnings  from
         Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana   If  your  self-employment  income  is   self-employment  are  the  combined  net
         Islands, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Re-  exempt  from  SE  tax,  you  should  get  a   earnings from all of your businesses. If
         port  income  from  this  employment  on   statement  from  the  appropriate  agency   you  had  a  loss  in  one  business,  it  re-
         Schedule  SE,  line  2.  If  you  performed   of  the  foreign  country  verifying  that   duces  the  income  from  another.  Figure
         services elsewhere as an employee of a   your self-employment income is subject   the  combined  SE  tax  on  one  Sched-
         foreign  government  or  an  international   to social security coverage in that coun-  ule SE.
         organization, those earnings are exempt   try.  If  the  foreign  country  won’t  issue   Joint Returns
         from SE tax.                         the  statement,  visit  the  SSA  Office  of
         Exception—Dual  citizens.    A  person   Earnings and International Operations at   Show  the  name  of  the  spouse  with
                                                                                  self-employment  income  on  Sched-
         with  dual  U.S.-foreign  citizenship  is   SSA  International  Programs  Online   ule SE. If both spouses have SE income,
         generally considered to be a U.S. citizen   Certificate  of  Coverage  Service.  Don’t   each must file a separate Schedule SE.
         for social security purposes. However, if   complete Schedule SE. Instead, attach a
         you are a U.S. citizen and also a citizen   copy of the statement to Form 1040 or   Include  the  total  profits  or  losses
         of  a  country  with  which  the  United   Form  1040-SR  and  enter  “Exempt,  see   from  all  businesses  on  Form  1040  or
         States  has  a  bilateral  social  security   attached  statement”  on  Schedule  2   Form 1040-SR. Enter the combined SE
         agreement,  other  than  Canada  or  Italy,   (Form 1040), line 4.       tax on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 4.
         your  work  for  the  government  of  that
         foreign  country  is  always  exempt  from

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