Page 284 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 284

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         taxable wages, including qualified sick and family leave wages   Complete  lines  8m  and  8n  only  if  qualified  family
         reported on line 1b, reach $147,000 for the year. See the in-  !  leave wages were paid in 2022 for leave taken after
         structions  for  line  3,  earlier,  for  reporting  Medicare  tax  on   CAUTION  March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021.
         qualified sick leave wages, including the portion above the so-
         cial security wage base. This amount is also entered on Work-  Line 8m. Qualified family leave wages for leave taken after
         sheet 3, Step 2, line 2a.                              March  31,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021.  Enter  the
                                                                qualified family leave wages you paid in 2022 to your employ-
         Line 8h. Qualified health plan expenses allocable to quali-  ees for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1,
         fied sick leave wages reported on line 8g.  Enter the qualified   2021,  including  any  qualified  family  leave  wages  that  were
         health  plan  expenses  allocable  to  qualified  sick  leave  wages   above the social security wage base and any qualified family
         paid in 2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before   leave wages excluded from the definition of employment under
         April  1,  2021.  This  amount  is  also  entered  on  Worksheet  3,   sections 3121(b)(1)–(22). See the instructions for line 8c, earli-
         Step 2, line 2b.
                                                                er, for more information about qualified family leave wages for
                 Complete lines 8i and 8j only if qualified family leave   leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021.
            !    wages were paid in 2022 for leave taken after March   This amount is also entered on Worksheet 4, Step 2, line 2f.
          CAUTION  31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021.          Line 8n. Qualified health plan expenses allocable to quali-
                                                                fied family leave wages reported on line 8m.  Enter the quali-
         Line 8i. Qualified family leave wages for leave taken before
         April 1, 2021.  Enter the qualified taxable (subject to social se-  fied  health  plan  expenses  allocable  to  qualified  family  leave
         curity tax) family leave wages you paid in 2022 to your em-  wages paid in 2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and
         ployees for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before April   before October 1, 2021. This amount is also entered on Work-
         1,  2021.  Qualified  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after   sheet 4, Step 2, line 2g.
         March 31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021, aren't subject to the   Line 9. Did you pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in
         employer share of social security tax; therefore, the tax rate on   any calendar quarter of 2021 or 2022 to all household em-
         these wages is 6.2%. Stop paying social security tax on and en-  ployees?   Review the cash wages you paid to all your house-
         tering  an  employee's  wages  on  line  1a  when  the  employee's   hold employees for each calendar quarter of 2021 and 2022.
         taxable wages, including qualified sick and family leave wages   If the total for any quarter in 2021 or 2022 is not $1,000 or
         reported on line 1b, reach $147,000 for the year. See the in-  more,  check  "No,"  stop  here,  and  include  the  amount  from
         structions  for  line  3,  earlier,  for  reporting  Medicare  tax  on   line  8d  on  Schedule  2  (Form  1040),  line  9.  Include  the
         qualified family leave wages, including the portion above the   amounts,  if  any,  from  line  8e  on  Schedule  3  (Form  1040),
         social  security  wage  base.  This  amount  is  also  entered  on   line 13b; and from line 8f on Schedule 3 (Form 1040), line 13h.
         Worksheet 3, Step 2, line 2e.                          If you don't file Form 1040, complete Schedule H, Part IV, and
         Line 8j. Qualified health plan expenses allocable to quali-  follow the instructions under When and Where To File, earlier.
         fied family leave wages reported on line 8i.  Enter the quali-  If  the  total  for  any  quarter  in  2021  or  2022  is  $1,000  or
         fied  health  plan  expenses  allocable  to  qualified  family  leave   more, check "Yes" and complete Schedule H, Part II.
         wages paid in 2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and   Part II. Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax
         before April 1, 2021. This amount is also entered on Worksheet
         3, Step 2, line 2f.                                    Together with state unemployment tax systems, the FUTA tax
                                                                provides  funds  for  paying  unemployment  compensation  to
                 Complete lines 8k and 8l only if qualified sick leave
            !    wages were paid in 2022 for leave taken after March   workers who have lost their jobs. Most employers pay both a
          CAUTION  31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021.        federal and a state unemployment tax.
         Line  8k.  Qualified  sick  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after   The FUTA tax applies to the first $7,000 you pay to each
         March  31,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021.  Enter  the   employee  during  a  calendar  year  after  subtracting  any  pay-
         qualified sick leave wages you paid in 2022 to your employees   ments exempt from FUTA tax. The FUTA tax rate is 6.0% for
         for  leave  taken  after  March  31,  2021,  and  before  October  1,   2022. But see Credit for contributions paid to state next. Only
         2021, including any qualified sick leave wages that were above   employers  pay  FUTA  tax.  Don't  collect  or  deduct  FUTA  tax
         the social security wage base and any qualified sick leave wa-  from your employee's wages. You must pay it from your own
         ges excluded from the definition of employment under sections   funds.
         3121(b)(1)–(22).  See  the  instructions  for  line  8c,  earlier,  for   Credit for contributions paid to state.  You may be able to
         more  information  about  qualified  sick  leave  wages  for  leave   take a credit of up to 5.4% against the FUTA tax, resulting in a
         taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021. This   net FUTA tax rate of 0.6%. But to do so, you must pay all the
         amount is also entered on Worksheet 4, Step 2, line 2a.  required  contributions  for  2022  to  your  state  unemployment
         Line 8l. Qualified health plan expenses allocable to quali-  fund by April 18, 2023. Fiscal year filers must pay all required
         fied sick leave wages reported on line 8k.  Enter the qualified   contributions for 2022 by the due date of their federal income
         health  plan  expenses  allocable  to  qualified  sick  leave  wages   tax returns (not including extensions).
         paid in 2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before   State  unemployment  taxes  are  sometimes  called  contribu-
         October 1, 2021. This amount is also entered on Worksheet 4,   tions. Contributions are payments that a state requires you, as
         Step 2, line 2b.                                       an employer, to make to its unemployment fund for the pay-

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