Page 282 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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         qualifying under (4), (5), or (6) earlier, the amount of qualified   wages can't exceed $200 per day or $12,000 in the aggregate
         sick  leave  wages  is  determined  at  two-thirds  the  employee's   per employee.
         regular rate of pay, but the wages may not exceed $200 for any   For more information about qualified sick and family leave
         day (or portion of a day) for which the individual is paid sick   wages, go to
         leave. The EPSLA also limits each individual to a maximum of
         up to 80 hours of paid sick leave in total for leave taken after   If  you  paid  qualified  sick  or  family  leave  wages  in
         March 31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021. The ARP resets this   TIP  2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before
         limit at 80 hours of paid sick leave for leave taken after March   April  1,  2021,  complete  lines  8g  through  8j  before
         31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021. Therefore, for leave tak-  completing  Worksheet  3.  If  you  paid  qualified  sick  or  family
         en after March 31, 2020, and before April 1, 2021, the maxi-  leave wages in 2022 for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and
         mum amount of paid sick leave wages can't exceed $5,110 for   before October 1, 2021, complete lines 8k through 8n before
         an employee for leave under (1), (2), or (3), and it can't exceed   completing Worksheet 4.
         $2,000 for an employee for leave under (4), (5), or (6). These   Line 8b. Nonrefundable portion of credit for qualified sick
         maximum  amounts  also  reset  and  apply  to  leave  taken  after   and  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after  March  31,
         March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021.            2020, and before April 1, 2021.  Enter the nonrefundable por-
            For more information about qualified sick and family leave   tion of the credit for qualified sick and family leave wages for
         wages, go to                              leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  before  April  1,  2021,
         Expanded  Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act  (Expanded   from Worksheet 3, Step 2, line 2j.
         FMLA).  Employers with fewer than 500 employees and, for      Complete  line  8b  only  if  qualified  sick  leave  wages
         leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021,   !  and/or qualified family leave wages were paid in 2022
         certain  governmental  employers  without  regard  to  number  of   CAUTION  for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before April
         employees (except for the federal government and its agencies   1, 2021.
         and instrumentalities unless described in section 501(c)(1)) are
         entitled to a credit under the FFCRA, as amended for purposes   Businesses,  tax-exempt  organizations  with  fewer  than  500
         of the ARP, if they provide paid family leave to employees that   employees, and Schedule H filers that provide paid sick leave
         otherwise meets the requirements of the Expanded FMLA. For   under the EPSLA and/or provide paid family leave under the
         leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  before  April  1,  2021,   Expanded FMLA are eligible to claim the credit for qualified
         wages are qualified family leave wages if paid to an employee   sick  and  family  leave  wages  for  leave  taken  after  March  31,
         who has been employed for at least 30 calendar days when an   2020,  and  before  April  1,  2021.  For  purposes  of  the  credit,
         employee is unable to work due to the need to care for a son or   qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages are
         daughter  under  18  years  of  age  or  incapable  of  self-care  be-  wages  for  social  security  and  Medicare  tax  purposes,  deter-
         cause of a mental or physical disability because the school or   mined without regard to the exclusions from the definition of
         place  of  care  for  that  child  has  been  closed,  or  the  childcare   employment under sections 3121(b)(1)–(22), that an employer
         provider  for  that  child  is  unavailable,  due  to  a  public  health   pays that otherwise meet the requirements of the EPSLA or Ex-
         emergency. See Son or daughter, earlier, for more information.   panded FMLA. The credit for qualified sick and family leave
         For leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1,   wages consists of the qualified sick leave wages, the qualified
         2021, the leave can be granted for any other reason provided by   family leave wages, the qualified health plan expenses alloca-
         the EPSLA, as amended for purposes of the ARP.         ble to those wages, and the employer share of Medicare tax al-
            For leave taken after March 31, 2020, and before April 1,   locable to those wages. The nonrefundable portion of the credit
         2021, the first 10 days for which an employee takes leave may   is limited to the employer share of social security tax reported
         be unpaid. During this period, employees may use other forms   on Schedule H, line 2a.
         of paid leave, such as qualified sick leave, accrued sick leave,   Any  credit  in  excess  of  the  remaining  amount  of  the  em-
         annual leave, or other paid time off. After an employee takes   ployer share of social security tax is refundable and reported on
         leave  for  10  days,  the  employer  provides  the  employee  paid   Schedule  H,  line  8e.  For  more  information  on  the  credit  for
         leave (that is, qualified family leave wages) for up to 10 weeks.   qualified sick and family leave wages, go to
         For leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1,   Qualified  health  plan  expenses  allocable  to  qualified  sick
         2021,  the  10-day  rule  discussed  above  doesn't  apply  and  the   and  family  leave  wages.  The  credit  for  qualified  sick  leave
         paid leave can be provided for up to 12 weeks.         wages and qualified family leave wages is increased to cover
            Rate of pay and limit on wages.   The rate of pay must be at   the qualified health plan expenses that are properly allocable to
         least two-thirds of the employee's regular rate of pay (as deter-  the qualified leave wages for which the credit is allowed. These
         mined under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938), multiplied   qualified health plan expenses are amounts paid or incurred by
         by  the  number  of  hours  the  employee  otherwise  would  have   the employer to provide and maintain a group health plan but
         been scheduled to work. For leave taken after March 31, 2020,   only to the extent such amounts are excluded from the employ-
         and before April 1, 2021, the total qualified family leave wages   ees' income as coverage under an accident or health plan. The
         can't exceed $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate per em-  amount  of  qualified  health  plan  expenses  generally  includes
         ployee. For leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before Octo-  both the portion of the cost paid by the employer and the por-
         ber 1, 2021, the limit resets and the total qualified family leave   tion of the cost paid by the employee with pre-tax salary reduc-
                                                                tion  contributions.  However,  qualified  health  plan  expenses

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