Page 437 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 437

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         Medicare Tax) withheld. Do not include your share.     Also report these distributions in box 1. Make only one
         Include only tax withheld for 2023 wages and tips. If you   entry in this box. Distributions from governmental section
         paid your employee's share of the taxes, see Employee's   457(b) plans must be reported on Form 1099-R, not in
         social security and Medicare taxes (or railroad retirement   box 1 of Form W-2.
         taxes, if applicable) paid by employer.                  Under nonqualified plans or nongovernmental 457(b)
            For more information on Additional Medicare Tax, go to   plans, deferred amounts that are no longer subject to a                                      substantial risk of forfeiture are taxable even if not
         Box 7—Social security tips.  Show the tips that the    distributed. Report these amounts in boxes 3 (up to the
         employee reported to you even if you did not have enough   social security wage base) and 5. Do not report in box 11
         employee funds to collect the social security tax for the   deferrals included in boxes 3 and/or 5 and deferrals for
         tips. The total of boxes 3 and 7 should not be more than   current year services (such as those with no risk of
         $160,200 (the maximum social security wage base for    forfeiture).
         2023). Report all tips in box 1 along with wages and other    If you made distributions and are also reporting
         compensation. Also include any tips reported in box 7 in   !  any deferrals in boxes 3 and/or 5, do not complete
         box 5.                                                 CAUTION  box 11. See Pub. 957, Reporting Back Pay and
         Box 8—Allocated tips (not applicable to Forms          Special Wage Payments to the Social Security
         W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI).  If you operate a      Administration, and Form SSA-131, Employer Report of
         large food or beverage establishment, show the tips    Special Wage Payments, for instructions on reporting
         allocated to the employee. See the Instructions for Form   these and other kinds of compensation earned in prior
         8027, Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip      years. However, do not file Form SSA-131 if this
         Income and Allocated Tips. Do not include this amount in   situation applies and the employee was not 61 years
         box 1, 3, 5, or 7.                                     old or more during the tax year for which you are
                                                                filing Form W-2.
         Box 10—Dependent care benefits (not applicable to
         Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI).  Show the          Unlike qualified plans, NQDC plans do not meet the
         total dependent care benefits under a dependent care   qualification requirements for tax-favored status for this
         assistance program (section 129) paid or incurred by you   purpose. NQDC plans include those arrangements
         for your employee. Include the fair market value (FMV) of   traditionally viewed as deferring the receipt of current
         care in a daycare facility provided or sponsored by you for   compensation. Accordingly, welfare benefit plans, stock
         your employee and amounts paid or incurred for         option plans, and plans providing dismissal pay,
         dependent care assistance in a section 125 (cafeteria)   termination pay, or early retirement pay are generally not
         plan. Report all amounts paid or incurred (regardless of   NQDC plans.
         any employee forfeitures), including those in excess of the   Report distributions from NQDC or section 457 plans to
         $5,000 exclusion. This may include (a) the FMV of      beneficiaries of deceased employees on Form
         benefits provided in kind by the employer, (b) an amount   1099-MISC, not on Form W-2.
         paid directly to a daycare facility by the employer or   Military employers must report military retirement
         reimbursed to the employee to subsidize the benefit, or (c)   payments on Form 1099-R.
         benefits from the pre-tax contributions made by the
         employee under a section 125 dependent care flexible          Do not report special wage payments, such as
         spending account. Include any amounts over your plan’s   TIP  accumulated sick pay or vacation pay, in box 11.
         exclusion in boxes 1, 3, and 5. For more information, see     For more information on reporting special wage
         Pub. 15-B.                                             payments, see Pub. 957.

                An employer that amends its cafeteria plan to   Box 12—Codes.  Complete and code this box for all
          TIP   provide a grace period for dependent care       items described below. Note that the codes do not relate
                assistance may continue to rely on Notice 89-111   to where they should be entered in boxes 12a through 12d
         by reporting in box 10 the salary reduction amount elected   on Form W-2. For example, if you are only required to
         by the employee for the year for dependent care        report code D in box 12, you can enter code D and the
         assistance (plus any employer matching contributions   amount in box 12a of Form W-2. Report in box 12 any
         attributable to dependent care). Also see Notice 2005-42,   items that are listed as codes A through HH. Do not report
         2005-23 I.R.B. 1204, available at         in box 12 section 414(h)(2) contributions (relating to
         2005-23_IRB#NOT-2005-42 and Notice 2005-61,            certain state or local government plans). Instead, use
         2005-39 I.R.B. 607, available at         box 14 for these items and any other information that you
         51071#NOT-2005-61.                                     wish to give to your employee. For example, union dues
                                                                and uniform payments may be reported in box 14.
         Box 11—Nonqualified plans.  The purpose of box 11 is
         for the SSA to determine if any part of the amount            On Copy A (Form W-2), do not enter more
         reported in box 1 or boxes 3 and/or 5 was earned in a   TIP   than four items in box 12. If more than four
         prior year. The SSA uses this information to verify that      items need to be reported in box 12, use a
         they have properly applied the social security earnings   separate Form W-2 to report the additional items (but
         test and paid the correct amount of benefits.          enter no more than four items on each Copy A (Form
            Report distributions to an employee from a nonqualified   W-2)). On all other copies of Form W-2 (Copies B, C,
         plan or nongovernmental section 457(b) plan in box 11.   etc.), you may enter more than four items in box 12 when

                                                            -18-       General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 (2023)
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