Page 438 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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using an approved substitute Form W-2. See Multiple year, you must enter the prior year contributions
forms. separately. Beginning with the earliest year, enter the
code, the year, and the amount. For example, elective
Use the IRS code designated below for the item you deferrals of $2,250 for 2021 and $1,250 for 2022 under
are entering, followed by the dollar amount for that item. USERRA under a section 401(k) plan are reported in
Even if only one item is entered, you must use the IRS box 12 as follows.
code designated for that item. Enter the code using a
capital letter(s). Use decimal points but not dollar signs or D 21 2250.00, D 22 1250.00. A 2023 contribution of
commas. For example, if you are reporting $5,300.00 in $7,000 does not require a year designation; enter it as D
elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan, the entry 7000.00. Report the code (and year for prior year
would be D 5300.00 (not A 5300.00 even though it is the USERRA contributions) to the left of the vertical line in
first or only entry in this box). Report the IRS code to the boxes 12a through 12d.
left of the vertical line in boxes 12a through 12d and the
The following are not elective deferrals and may be
money amount to the right of the vertical line. reported in box 14, but not in box 12.
See the Form W-2 Reference Guide for Box 12 Codes. • Nonelective employer contributions made on behalf of
The detailed instructions for each code are next. an employee.
Code A—Uncollected social security or RRTA tax • After-tax contributions that are not designated Roth
on tips. Show the employee social security or Railroad contributions, such as voluntary contributions to a pension
Retirement Tax Act (RRTA) tax on all of the employee's plan that are deducted from an employee's pay. See the
tips that you could not collect because the employee did box 12 instructions for Code AA—Designated Roth
not have enough funds from which to deduct it. Do not contributions under a section 401(k) plan, Code
include this amount in box 4. BB—Designated Roth contributions under a section
Code B—Uncollected Medicare tax on tips. Show 403(b) plan, and Code EE—Designated Roth
the employee Medicare tax or RRTA Medicare tax on tips contributions under a governmental section 457(b) plan
that you could not collect because the employee did not for reporting designated Roth contributions.
have enough funds from which to deduct it. Do not show • Required employee contributions.
any uncollected Additional Medicare Tax. Do not include • Employer matching contributions.
this amount in box 6. Code D—Elective deferrals under a section 401(k)
Code C—Taxable cost of group-term life insurance cash or deferred arrangement (plan). Also show
over $50,000. Show the taxable cost of group-term life deferrals under a SIMPLE retirement account that is part
insurance coverage over $50,000 provided to your of a section 401(k) arrangement.
employee (including a former employee). See Group-term Example of reporting excess elective deferrals
life insurance. Also include this amount in boxes 1, 3 (up and designated Roth contributions under a section
to the social security wage base), and 5. Include the 401(k) plan. For 2023, Employee A (age 45) elected to
amount in box 14 if you are a railroad employer. defer $23,500 under a section 401(k) plan. The employee
Codes D through H, S, Y, AA, BB, and EE. Use also made a designated Roth contribution to the plan of
these codes to show elective deferrals and designated $1,000, and made a voluntary (non-Roth) after-tax
Roth contributions made to the plans listed. Do not report contribution of $600. In addition, the employer, on A's
amounts for other types of plans. See the example for behalf, made a qualified nonelective contribution of
reporting elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan, $2,000 to the plan and a nonelective profit-sharing
later. employer contribution of $3,000.
The amount reported as elective deferrals and Even though the 2023 limit for elective deferrals and
designated Roth contributions is only the part of the designated Roth contributions is $22,500, the employee's
employee's salary (or other compensation) that they did total elective deferral amount of $23,500 is reported in
not receive because of the deferrals or designated Roth box 12 with code D (D 23500.00). The designated Roth
contributions. Only elective deferrals and designated Roth contribution is reported in box 12 with code AA (AA
contributions should be reported in box 12 for all coded 1000.00). The employer must separately report the actual
plans; except, when using code G for section 457(b) amounts of $23,500 and $1,000 in box 12 with the
plans, include both elective and nonelective deferrals. appropriate codes. The amount deferred in excess of the
For employees who were 50 years of age or older at limit is not reported in box 1. The return of excess elective
any time during the year and made elective deferral deferrals and excess designated Roth contributions,
and/or designated Roth “catch-up” contributions, report including earnings on both, is reported on Form 1099-R.
the elective deferrals and the elective deferral “catch-up” The $600 voluntary after-tax contribution may be
contributions as a single sum in box 12 using the reported in box 14 (this is optional) but not in box 12. The
appropriate code and the designated Roth contributions $2,000 qualified nonelective contribution and the $3,000
and designated Roth “catch-up” contributions as a single nonelective profit-sharing employer contribution are not
sum in box 12 using the appropriate code. required to be reported on Form W-2, but may be reported
If any elective deferrals, salary reduction amounts, in box 14.
TIP or nonelective contributions under a section Check the “Retirement plan” box in box 13.
457(b) plan during the year are make-up amounts Code E—Elective deferrals under a section 403(b)
under the Uniformed Services Employment and salary reduction agreement.
Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) for a prior
General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 (2023) -19-