Page 374 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 374

While it is difficult to identify the individuals that are at the highest risk of performing malicious
                   activities,  it  may  be  helpful  to  understand  some  of  the  characteristics  that  may  be  used  to
                   develop a behavioral baseline for identifying insider threat actors. Figure 2 displays a list of “red
                   flag”  behavioral  characteristics  issued  by  the  National  Cybersecurity  and  Communications
                   Integration Center. Note that the listing of these characteristics does not represent importance
                   or likelihood.

                   Figure 2: Characteristics of Insiders at Risk of Becoming a Threat
                                                                Overly concerned with avoiding, concealing,
                                                                or fixing mistakes.
                    Greed/financial need.                       Inability to assume responsibility for actions.
                    Vulnerability to blackmail.                 Intolerance of criticism.
                    Compulsive and destructive behavior.        Self-perceived value exceeding performance.
                    Rebellious, passive aggressive behavior.    Lack of empathy.

                    Ethical “flexibility.”                      Pattern of frustration and disappointment.
                    Entitlement – narcissism (ego/self-image).   History of managing crisis ineffectively.

                   Source: National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, Combating the Insider Threat, 1.

                   Targets include assets or any items of value to the
                   organization  that  can  be  affected  by  the  threat   Possible Indicators That a
                   and result in negative impact to the organization,   Vulnerability Is Being Exploited
                                                                       Cloud storage uploads.
                         People.                                      Removable storage use.
                         Information.                                 Working odd hours without
                         Technology.                                    authorization.

                         Facilities.                                  Email to external agent or
                                                                         personal email account.
                   Motivation                                          Excessive printing or copying
                   The  motivations  for  an  insider  threat  actor  to   proprietary or classified material.
                   engage in nonmalicious activities are significantly     Requesting access to previously
                   varied  and  numerous.  Anything  from  personal      denied areas or systems.
                   issues  outside  of  the  office  to  issues  with
                   colleagues  and  management,  as  well  as
                   opportunity and boredom could lead an individual
                   to engage in these activities.

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