Page 427 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 427

Three Vs of Big Data

                   The most common dimensions or characteristics of big data management are volume, velocity,
                   and variety (the 3Vs), but as systems become more efficient and the need to process data faster
                   continues to increase, the original data management dimensions have expanded to include other
                   characteristics unique to big data. In fact, Mark van Rijmenam proposed four  additional
                   dimensions in his August, 2013 blog post titled "Why The 3Vs Are Not Sufficient To Describe Big
                   Data,"   the additional dimensions  are  veracity,  variability,  visualization, and  value.  Figure 3
                   illustrates the “Expanded set of Vs of Big Data.”

                   Figure 3: Expanded Vs of Big Data

                      3 Vs of Big Data                     Additional Vs

                         Volume: The amount of data being   Veracity: Data must be able to be
                         created is vast compared to       verified based on both accuracy and
                         traditional data sources.         context.
                                                           Variability: Big data is extremely
                         Variety: Data comes from all types   variable and always changing.
                         of formats. This can include data
                         generated within an organization as
                         well as data created from external   Visualization: Analytic results from
                         sources, including publicly available   big data are often hard to interpret;
                         data.                              therefore , translating vast amount
                                                            of data into readily presentable
                                                            graphics and charts that are easy to
                        Velocity: Data is being generated   understand is critical to end-user
                        extremely quickly and continuously.  satisfaction and may highlight
                                                            additional insights.

                                                            Value: Organizations, societies, and
                                                            consumers can all benefit from big
                                                            data. Value is generated when new
                                                            insights are translated into actions
                                                            that create positive outcomes.
                   Source: The IIA


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